Chapter 13: Halloween..........?

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*Tris Pov*

"Umm....Hey Girls?" Zeke says confused. 

"Hey guys" We say...I fix my cat ears and I roll my eyes. 

"So I assuming you are heading to the bar" Al says

"Yup" We say and start walking. 

"Why are you dressed like strippers?" Four says

"We don't look like strippers we just have on long trench coats with boots, Does that look like a stipper outfit to you?" I snap

"Actually Yes, Yes It does"

I just roll my eyes and keep on walking. 


"Do you know what number we are doing tonight?" I ask the girls as I set run a hand through my curls touching up my make up before I go out clock in and start doing tables. 

"Today ladies we are going to not do live music tonight until Friday because I still have to sort somethings out......Tonight we are going to do Diamonds are a girls bestfiend. Tris is singing" Lauren rolls her eyes and walks away. "I hope you all remember your moves" Cher walks in cutting off Christina who was about to answer my question. 

We all nod and the workers stand and we go out there and clock in. 


"Shauna....I need a bottle of our best champagne.....2 cosmos...and a blue Hawaii" I say as I pick at the chocker at my neck

"Coming up" She says whipping up the drinks as I look around the bar....Mostly at my area's seeing if anyone needs anything. 

"Here you are Tris" She says as she puts the tray on the table and starts wiping the liquor on the counter. 

"Thanks" I grab it and take it to the table full of business men.

"Here you are boys...Food Should Be out in a minute" I say

"Thank you.....Tris" The older man smile I smile back and turn around mouthing to Shauna 'Ew' she chuckles and I roll my eyes. 

I groan when I see Sally seat a bunch of college boys seated in my section. I inwardly groan and walk over to them. 

"Welcome to Burlesque...My name is Tris I am going to be your waiter today..Would you like to try our new cheese fries" I deadpan.

"No but I would love your number" The one with dark brown eyes says as he pulls me into his lap and I try to stand up but he has a tight grip. "Are you single?"

"No" I stand up pushing his arms off of my waist

"Fine....Snappy.." He mumbles and then they start giving me their order. As I turn around one of them slaps my butt. I am about to turn around and slap them across the face but Christina walks by grabbing my hand pulling me away. 

"Rule #48 Tris.....Never kill one of the customers even if you hate them" She says

Every since I started working here she has been giving me rules on what and what not to do. 

I breathe in rip off the ticket and give it to Uriah. 


I slide on the lace almost see through bottoms with a triangle hiding the most private part, matching bra and the triangles hiding the important parts, thigh high see through stocking and black pumps.

I curl my hair pinning some pieces back. I put on really dark mascara, eyeliner, and a dark fuschia lipstick and nude blush.

I put on a diamond chocker and earings and braclet and matching lace gloves 

I put on a white furry boa around me and I get ready at the top and stap myself so I can come down from the celing and we start. 

The music starts and they slide me down  and I go into a spilt and start singing. 

The French are glad to die for love,
They delight in fighting duels,
But I prefer a man who lives and gives
Expensive jewels.

A kiss on the hand may be quite continental
But diamonds are a girl's best friend
A kiss may be grand... but it won't pay the rental on your humble flat
Or help you at the automat
Men grow cold as girls grow old
And we all lose our charms in the end
But square cut or pear shape these rocks don't lose their shape
Diamonds are a girl's best friend

... Tiffany's!
... Cartier!
Black star Frost Gorham
Talk to me Harry Winston tell me all about it!
There may come a time when a lass needs a lawyer
But diamonds are a girl's best friend
There may come a time when a hard boiled employer thinks you're awful nice
But get that ice or else no dice
He's your guy when stocks are high but beware when they start to descend
It's then that those louses go back to their spouses
Diamonds are a girl's best friend

I've heard of affairs that are strictly platonic
But diamonds are a girl's best friend
And I think affairs that you must keep masonic are better bets
If little pets get big baguettes,
Time rolls on and youth is gone and you can't straighten up when you bend
But stiff back or stiff knees you stand straight at... Tiffany's...

Diamonds... diamonds... I don't mean rhinestones... but diamonds... are a girls best... best friend.

I take a bow and everyone starts cheering and clapping some even stand and we go into the back and everyone starts hugging..

I love my job. 


I lay in my bath tub relaxing drinking some Tea to coax my sore throat. My hair is in a messy bun and the Warm Vanilla Sugar scented bubbles are up enough to cover my boobs and the lights are dim with candles everywhere. 

I sigh and sink into the bubbles more and then my phone rings. I groan and grab the phone and answer it not after drying my hands. 

"Hello?" I say

"Hey....." It's Four

I roll my eyes. 

"Yes?" I say impatiently 

"I umm.....I am having some issues with math..Do you think you can help me? I know you are great with it and I don't need my grades dropping" He stutters on the other line.

"Umm....Yeah sure... I guess I can come over next wednesday" I say trying to rush off of the phone.

"Yeah...Sure that sounds great" He says 



What did I just get myself into?

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