Chapter 52: Happily Ever After

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This video is the dance and sing so you can either play the song while you read the lyrics or when you get to that part watch it then resume to the story.

Your choice. You don't even have to watch it if you don't want to.
*Tris Pov*

I finally got the job! I get to work in the law enforcement.

Of course I started off small working on the cases with of course supervision.

I am finished with college and I can live in a house with Tobias, well I already do.

My job is working for he FBI and I don't work at Burlesque often because a fresh set of girls took our old spot since we all have jobs and houses.

Tonight actually we are supposed to preform one last time.

Tobias is working as a trainer for boxing and he is really famous like he is on television and everything.

Christina designs clothes and sells them in a nearby boutique.

Will is a doctor and a pharmacist.

Uriah also works beside Tobias and Zeke in the gym not famous but are trainers at the same Gym Tobias goes to Initiation.

Shauna is a dentist while Lynn works in a tattoo place. Marlene is still a dancer and also hopes to be in the Olympics because she is working on her gymnastics but her back up plan is an accountant.

Duke of course like he said works helping people with his girlfriend who now works as a model.

Tori, Sean and Cher got out of debt with the club now they own it fully.

My parents are still tuck up but keeps phoning me telling me to come home. Only because I am successfully, unlike they thought I wasn't going be.

Everything is going perfect.


I walk into Tobias and I lift where everything is neat and expensive. The huge wall of glass aka the window, blinds are open.

I set my keys on the counter and our dogs Zeus and Hercules which are fully grown males, one is a pit bull and the other is Rottweiler comes running towards me.

"Hi guys," I say petting their heads and I walk through the hallway where I see the huge poster of Tobias in boxer shorts with bandages taped on his hands shirtless posing at the camera with his arms crossed and me on the other side of the wall in a sports bra and boxers too.

Yeah, I sometimes fight too. I got to stay in shape for my job so I train with Tobias.

I find Tobias in the bed room on the king size bed watching television.

"Lazy." I mutter and Tobias laughs while I smile.

I lay beside him and he wraps his arms around me kissing me.

"How do you feel?" Tobias asks touching my forehead.

"I feel better," I say grinning pulling my face to his kissing him again but he pulls away and I pout.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, now can we just kiss?" I ask and Tobias smiles kissing me again.

I have been feeling horrible actually this week, constantly nauseated, and a lot of headaches and heat flashes.

It's a flu going around so I think that's it.

I hope nothing too serious.


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