Chapter 20: Thanksgiving

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*Tris Pov*

  I am on the plane heading straight to Chicago. I have on sweatpants, a North Face Hoody, and my Nike flaves. My hair is in a messy bun and I hardly have on any make up. It is thanksgiving day tomorrow and I am going home to visit my parents. I have my headphones in my ears listening to different genre's of music and I am about an hour or two away. 

I am about to fall asleep when the song Latch by Disclosure comes on. I blush and smile staring out the window. Soon the plane ride is over. I get up and grab my one suitcase and I go down to the front of the port. I see my cab that I called to meet me in the front. I sit in the back and give him instructions to my house. 

I get out of the cab and walk to the front of my house. I take a deep breath and knock on the door. Here goes nothing. 

Dad opens the door and he smiles brightly when he sees me. He pulls me into a hug and I squeeze him hard. 

"Hello sweetie I missed you" Dad says pulling me inside. 

"I missed you too dad" I say smiling. The smell of roasting Turkey makes my mouth water but sadly it is still cooking. 

"How is life in Portland?" Dad ask as he helps me take my bag to the living room. 

"Okay...busy with school work and my job" I say 

"So what is your job?" Dad asks and I don't get to answer because mom walks into the room wearing an apron and a big smile on her face. 

"Beatrice... I missed you" She hugs me. 

"'s just Tris" I smile patting her back. 

"Where is Caleb?" I ask pulling away. 


Caleb runs down the steps wearing a pair of dress pants, and a dress shirt with a pair of glasses. The image in front of me makes me want to roll my eyes. 

"Oh....Hello Beatrice" He says smiling pushing up his glasses and then akwardly hugging me. 

I akwardly hug back and smile too and then mutter 'It's just Tris' 


"Mom is this the last thing?" I ask as I take the bowl of mashed potatoes. 

"Yup" She takes the basket of bread to the table. We sit down and bless the food and then we start to dig in. 

"So lets go around the table...what are you thankful for starting with Caleb" Dad says as he hands around the plate of carved turkey.  

"I am thankful for my family and how my college life is going." He says pouring himself some water. 

"I am thankful for my familly as well and the friends I made in portland" I say

"I am thankful for you guys. My job and how amazing things are going." Dad says

"I am thankful for you guys, and how happy my children and husband are" Mom says 

"So Tris how are things in portland." Caleb asks. 

"Fine, I am majoring in the law and enforcement and I have straight A's. I work at a resturant called burlesque and I am practically a perfessional dancer there" I say

"Wow, That is good....Has anything interesting happend?" Mom says

"No not really about a month or two ago someone broke into my dorm and stole my stash of money it was around 8 hundred dollars and I was about to buy a car but then that happend but with me working at my job and being good friends with my boss and instructer I am able to make enough money but March or Feburary." I nod 

"You said professional dancer....not like a stripper or anything right?" Dad asks a little pale and I shake my head rapidly. 

"No! It's a kind of dance like back in the day almost like a play but with singing and dancing." I say blushing and they nod. I remember when I first met the boys Zeke told them I was a stripper.. I smile at the thought. I really miss my friends. 

"So what about you Caleb?" I ask

"Well everything is going great. I am taking my weekend days to go to local hospitals and help out. I am in the Erudite section of my college. Where they value knowledge and I one of the top 5 out of 800 students that has had straight A's since being there and also I am known to be the best chemist there. I do more than just work on being a doctor. I met this girl named Susan Black she is so beautiful and we work on projects every time we get one together." Caleb says 

"Tris where are you staying? Because I think that CPU sounds great where Caleb is at...I don't want you up there getting in any trouble.. or getting hurt. Someone breaking in to your apartment....that sounds crazy....I just don't want you to get hurt....who are you staying with" Mom says

"Duke, He works as a bartender I met him at a club with my friends and we have been friends every since. We work out paying things and he is letting me stay there until I am stable enough to buy me a car and then about a months pay I can refurnish my dorm" I say

"Bea-Tris I think that you should come down here to Chicago Prodigy University. Where you are close to us and you won't be hurt and you can just come back to your old room" Dad buds in. 

"Nope" I say popping the p. "I left for a reason. I am not coming back to chicago, I am not living in my old room, I am not leaving my school, I am not leaving my job, and I am not leaving my friends" I say

"Tris, Your friends don't really care about you that's why they are called 'friends'. I really want you to come down here back with us" Mom says and I gasp and stand up. 

"Can I be excused, thank you" I don't give them time to answer because I take my now empty plate and place it in the sink. I go upstairs brush my teeth and hair. I put on a pair of tight knee length yoga pants, a black long sleeve top and a North Face fleece black jacket that has a tall collar covering my neck, and a pair of my all black nikes. I wipe my face now noticing that I have tears running down my face. How dare they say that my friends don't care about me. 

I pull my hair in to a ponytail and grab my phone placing it in my jacket pocket. 

"I'm going out for a run" I mutter

"At 8 at night?" Caleb asks and I nod and walk out the door. 

Once I step outside the cool air hits my legs and I shiver. I slowly walk around the old neigborhood where I grew up at. I walk around until I stumble upon my the old playground me and Caleb used to play on. I smile and sit on the the old swings and swing slowly back and fourth. 

I am just sitting there pondering about what just happend when I hear a deep voice. 


I look up and see Four standing there smirking a little bit. 

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