Chapter 46: The Beach

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I am terribly sorry guys. If you aren't reading my 16 and pregnant divergent story here is the reason. My laptop is still broken and today is my birthday so yesterday I got an tablet and I think I am getting a laptop today idk but it doesn't matter but I am updating short chapters until I get my laptop back or get one. On with the story!


*Tris POV*

Have you ever had that feeling in middle or high school when you liked someone and every time he or she walks by your stomach does somersaults? Well that's how I am around Tobias.

Never in a million years did I think I would leave Chicago where my stuck up family lives and come to Portland and create a whole new famiy.

I only had one or two friends back in Chicago. Everyone else was stuck up and didn't know what real fun was. Susan did.

This is a horrible analogy; but do you remember that episode of Sprongebob Square pants when I think Squidward wanted him to be normal. So spongebob watched that tape and you saw the same houses and nothing ever changed. So spongebob worked really hard to please squidward by being normal but he then realized he wanted to be him old self again.

So he and Patrick worked together to mak himself spongebob again but when he thought he was doing good everything crumbled down making him go normal again.

It was almost like a spell. But then he started crying saying he just wants to be himself and he changed. That is basically my life in a popular cartoon show.

Not meaning to drift off but that was my life. Now words can't describe how happy I am to be cuddled up with my boyfriend in an expensive hotel from sitting at a 6,000 dollar table sitting there quietly eating a boring, plain, dinner while my parents talk about politics.

I wouldn't trade this for the world.


I stare into Tobias' eyes as he washes my hair in the shower and I wash his stone hard chest.

"Whyyyyyy are you staring at me?" Tobias asks not looking at me

"Because you're handsome" I say and he chuckles while I wash my hair under the warm faucet.

I stare at him smiling and he smirks showing his dimples and leans in to kiss me then someone bangs on then door.

"Hurry up guys!" It sounds like Marlene. We don't answer and she kicks the door then starts laughing and we join in. We are so crazy.

"Its healed up now." Tobias says staring at my tattoos.

"Right, just healed right up, hypotheticaly speaking that wasn't supposed to happen that quick but I guess that extra healing cream worked!" I say and he agrees shutting off the water.

We dry off and start to get ready for our day at the beach.


Part two coming soon

Luv y'all and stay dauntless.

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