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"Good girl." He smirks and grabs my wrist, pulling me with him.

Brad drags me away from the kitchen set up area and starts running towards the maintenance area where you know you're not supposed to go. I run with him in front of me, he takes me to a small cupboard.

"Here." He stops and pants slightly.

"Here?" I raise my eyebrow at him, looking at the small cupboard half filled with tools.

"Yes here, get in." He rolls his eyes.

I sigh and somehow fit in the cupboard, it's bigger than I thought it was. I look up and just as I'm about to ask him where he's hiding he's already climbing in the cupboard with me. This is going to be uncomfortable. I don't know how but we both fit in the small cupboard filled with tools. I look up at the shelves filled with tools and when I look back in front of me I choke on my breath. Brad's face is almost touching mine, his chest is pressed against mine, his eyes are focused on mine. I stare back in shock of the close proximity. I try to step backwards to get as far away as possible but my back is already pressed against the wall. I break the eye contact and look down at the little bit of ground showing between our bodies.

"So um.." I cough. "How long do we have to wait until we can get out of here?"

"About half an hour." He mumbles above me.

My head shoots up.

"Half an hour?! Are you insane?" I raise my voice.

"Shhh." His hand clamps over my mouth. I bite his hand making him pull away and I swear to god his lips twitched with a smile before he fought it off. "We have to wait until they've checked around and locked up, it usually takes about half an hour." He shrugs.

"So I have to wait half an hour in this extremely small cupboard with you this close to me?" I sigh.

"Why Olivia? Don't you trust yourself?" He mumbles and raises his hand to brush against my cheek. Something weird happens in my stomach but I'm probably hungry or something.

I stay silent for a while as he smirks down at me.

"No. I'm going to get bored." I answer finally.

"Well I have a way we can pass the time." He bites his lip making me roll my eyes.

"If that doesn't include food I'm not interested." I cross my arms and stare back at him.

He smiles at me and sits down, crossing his legs. I do the same because it would just be awkward if I stood up on my own. We manage to fit in with both of our legs crossed, my knee rests on top of his so I can fit. I take my headphones out of my jacket pocket, I'm not sitting here in silence.

I plug them in my phone and put them in my ears, playing the 'Favourite Worst Nightmare' album by the Arctic Monkeys. I rest my head on the wall and close my eyes, losing myself in the music. My fingers tap out the drums and guitar solos in the songs on my leg. When the first song finishes I feel two fingers tap lightly on my knee. I open my eyes and look at Brad.

"Can I listen?" He asks.

"Sure." I reply, agreeing causes less arguments. "I doubt you'll like my music though."

He shuffles round so he's sitting next to me with his back against the wall and his legs stretched out, I stretch mine out too. I give him one of my headphones which he puts in his ear as the new song starts. I watch him, waiting for him to screw up his nose at my music, most people do. Instead his eyes widen.

"You listen to the Arctic Monkeys?" He gasps.

"Er yeah they're like my favourite band..you do too?" I ask, shocked.

"Yes they're so good!" He grins. A proper grin that I've never seen before. He looks kind of cute. "What's your favourite song?"

"Crying Lightning I think, I'm not sure that's a very difficult question to answer." I smile.

"Brianstorm is the way to go Liv, I'm dissapointed." Brad smiles at me. He called me Liv.

"Shut up." I smile.

Brad's hand rests on my thigh and for some reason I don't make him move it. His fingers drum out the tune of the song on my thigh, relaxing me a hell of a lot. A smile reaches my face, probably because Alex Turner's voice is heavenly, definitely not because I'm enjoying this moment with Brad.

/ / / / /

Brad's timer goes off making me jump and him chuckle. It's been half an hour? I look down to our legs, somehow they've become overlapped. Brad untangles them and stands up holding his hand out to me. IS HE HELPING ME UP? IS THIS EVEN BRAD ANYMORE? I take his hand, which is very sweaty, and get up off the floor. I expect Brad to drop my hand once I'm up but he doesn't. Instead, he links his fingers in mine and turns to face me.

"Let's go exploring." He smiles and opens the cupboard door.

/ / / / /


They're getting all cute with each other man

Liv is all na shit I kinda like him but I swear I don't

Brad is all woah this hot girl likes arctic monkeys so cool! still wanna bang though

Dangerous | b.w.sΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα