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I wake up slowly whilst feeling well rested. I roll over and open my eyes to see a fast asleep Brad next to me. His face is distorted by the pillow as his hair rests messily on his forehead, this is my favourite look on him. I smile gently, considering just sitting here and watching him. But that's just creepy. So I get out of bed quietly and make my way downstairs, my bare feet padding across the cold floor.

I make my way into the living room to relax and get my head round things. However, just as I'm about to sit down, my eyes are drawn to the rather large collection of music in the corner. My feet instantly drag themselves over to it to investigate. I'm slightly scared he's going to shout at me for snooping but I'm going to anyway.

I run my finger along the edges of the cases all lined up. There's a big range of music here, all separated into two piles. As I look at the albums I can tell which is Brad's pile. There's a few albums that make me laugh like Ariana Grande's and Christina Aguilera, just because I would never imagine Brad dancing in his kitchen belting out 'Ain't No Other Man'. I smile at his music taste, I'm proud. He has albums from artists like Panic! At The Disco, Arctic Monkeys, Twenty One Pilots. At least he has good music taste.

"You really should stop snooping." Brad's voice makes me jump as he wraps his arms around my waist from behind me. "Or at least get better at it." He adds with a soft kiss to my neck as I recover from the shock.

"I wasn't snooping, I was just... observing." I try to excuse myself, in case he gets angry.

"That's just another word for snooping." He chuckles and moves away from behind me.

"Hey, you broke into my house you can't say anything!" I laugh and turn to face him.

"Good point." He shrugs. "So do you approve?" He asks, nodding towards the CD's. I scan his body, he's wearing his jeans now but no shirt. My stomach flutters.

"I do." I nod. "Some of these are surprising though." I laugh and point towards the Christina Aguilera album.

"I told you I appreciate all kinds of music. Christina is a fucking legend how could I not have her album?" Brad replies making me smile.

"How are your knuckles?" I ask him whilst looking down at the bandaged hand.

"Sore." He shrugs. "Nothing I can't handle." He almost smirks.

"Sure." I roll my eyes whilst laughing.

"How are you?" He asks me in a serious voice, everything suddenly becomes a little bit more serious.

"Erm...I'm not good but I'm okay. Coping is probably the better word for it." I awkwardly reply.

"Pleeaase let me kill him?" Brad says in a non serious voice, longing out the 'please'.

"No Brad." I chuckle slightly. "If you kill him you'll go to prison and I'm not visiting you in prison."

"But he doesn't deserve to live." Brad continues in a playful manner.

"Stop it. Violence isn't always the answer." I try to persuade him, I don't like him being violent all the time.

"Violence has always been the answer in my world and it works pretty well." Brad shrugs.

"It has never been a part of mine and it has worked pretty well too." I reply back with a smug smile on my face. He can't convince me he's right.

"What about that time you kicked me in the balls? That was violence." He crosses his arms in victory, thinking he's caught me out.

"That was nowhere near almost killing someone Bradley." I shake my head at him and roll my eyes.

"You killed my little guys! They're very valuable to me." He sticks out his bottom lip in a pouty manner and glances down to his private region.

A loud, embarrassing laugh escapes my mouth. I quickly throw my hand over my mouth to hide the ugliness and try to compose myself. When my eyes meet Brad's again he is staring at me. The glisten in his eyes send shivers down my spine. The intenseness of his eyes intimidates me, I'm still not used to him looking at me like that.

A loud beep interrupts our moment as Brad moves his eyes away from mine and digs in his back pocket for his phone. He pulls out his phone and reads what I'm assuming to be a text message. His eyebrows instantly turn into a frown and an angry look takes over his facial features. I can tell something bad has happened because he almost looks the same as he did last night before he nearly killed that guy.

"Is everything okay?" I ask him.

His eyes look back up to mine as if he forgot where he was for a second.

"Huh? Oh uh yeah...you should probably go." He says coldly and looks back down to his phone.

"What?" I ask him quietly, he's just going to chuck me out first thing in the morning?

"You should leave. You might wanna get changed first." He says and walks out of the living room and into the kitchen.

I stand there shocked. Is he fucking kidding? After everything that happened last night he's just throwing me out? I take a deep breath and compose myself. What did I expect? It's just sex.

I walk upstairs into Brad's bedroom, get changed as quickly as I can and leave without saying a word to him whilst making sure I slam the door as hard as I can.

Just when I thought he wasn't the asshole I first thought he was.

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Omg sorry it's been ages idk what happened I've been prom dress shopping and revising and all that stuff. Also I haven't proof read this so sorry if it sucks ass.

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