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I open the school doors and shove my things into my locker. I don't want to be here. My head is killing me and my mind is insane with thoughts. I make my way to my first class even though I won't take any of the information in because my head is too full of crap. An arm wraps around me as I walk down the corridor, I look up to see Tate smiling down at me. My heart just got punched I swear. He doesn't even know I'm mad at him.

"Get off of me." I say bluntly and remove his arm from me.

"What? Babe are you okay?" He asks.

"No I'm not okay and don't call me babe." I say sternly, still walking forwards.

"Woah what happened? Talk to me." He says and pulls me away from the crowds in the corridor. "What's wrong?"

"I know you weren't drunk Tate, I know you took advantage of me. You agreed to have sex with me when you were sober and I was wasted! You absolute scumbag!" I raise my voice whilst still trying to stay quiet so I don't attract too much attention.

His face is priceless, he looks shocked and scared. He better not try and lie out of this because his face says it all.

"What-what are you talking about baby? I told you I was drunk." He tries to convince me.

"You're a really bad liar." I say sternly, my heart twisting in my chest. He stays silent and just looks at me.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't me-" he begins but I walk off. He admitted it. He took advantage of me. "Liv! Wait! I'm sorry!" He calls after me, I keep walking.

I feel tears build up but I remember what Brad said, I don't cry over boys like him. He's not worth it. I reach my classroom and sit in my seat. I bang my head against my desk, earning a few looks from others. I don't care. My headache is ten times worse than it already was and I have no medication with me. Great. This day is going to be so good.

After my first two lessons finish I thank God that it's break and I can rest underneath my tree, alone. I don't grab my book or my headphones, I just need the sound of nature right now. I quickly walk to my tree and sit down beside it, breathing in the cool air and listening to the few birds tweeting. I love being around nature, it helps me feel connected to the world. It always helps remind me that there are more important things going on in the world, no matter what is happening in my life. And whenever I'm feeling useless it reminds me that I'm part of something bigger. I love the colours, the smells, the sounds, everything is beautiful about nature.

After relaxing for a while, the bell rings and I reluctantly drag myself to my next lesson. Brad is in this class and I don't think I can look at him. Last night felt...different. It felt amazing like usual but it felt like there was some actual emotion there. I felt like we connected for the first time since we've met. I sit down in my seat to see that for once, Brad isn't late, he's sitting in his seat on the front row. He turns his head to face me as if he knew I just walked in. He watches me and I watch him, my stomach going insane with thoughts of yesterday. His lips are so soft and skilled and- stop. You may have a dick of a boyfriend, but you still have a boyfriend. And you cheated on him.

I look down at my hands, breaking the eye contact, I try to focus on my breathing to calm myself down as I feel Brad's eyes still watching me. The teacher walks in and starts the class, keeping me distracted from the pretty shape of Brad's lips and his dark, intriguing eyes, the way his hands pull me closer, the way goosebumps raise at his touc-

"Olivia." My teacher interrupts my once again perverted thoughts. Ok maybe he wasn't distracting me.

"Uh yeah?" I mumble, I can feel the heat rising in my cheeks as everyone in the class looks at me.

"Would you care to share what you were daydreaming about in my lesson?" He scolds me.

"Um n-no, definitely not." I stutter, my face has to be bright red now. I feel like everyone can read my mind and see my dirty thoughts about Brad.

"No, if it's that important please share it with the class, I'm sure we'll all be interested too." He crosses his arms and stares at me. What a dick.

"Ok..um I was just thinking about..the um book I'm reading right now. It's uh very interesting." I try and lie and look down at my hands.

"Well if you could save the literature for an English class, right now we're doing Psychology." He scolds me, I nod and keep my head down.

I feel Brad's eyes still on me as the teacher continues the class, I look up at him. Brad smirks and winks at me. He knows. How can he read my mind? He turns away and looks at the teacher as I pretend to listen but continue thinking of ways to leave this town to run away from the embarrassment.

/ / / /

I run up to my room and flop on my bed, opening up twitter and scrolling through my timeline for a while before getting bored of the drama. I decide to call Charis so we can catch up about everything, I want to hear about this Connor guy.

"Hello?" Charis answers the phone.

"Hey!" I reply.

"Oh hey, what's up?" She asks me out of breath.

"I just thought we could catch up, you know about Connor and everything?"

"Oh, well um that's the thing I'm kind of busy right now...with Connor so..." She says awkwardly.

"Oh my god! Okay I'm sorry I'll leave. Have fun!" I laugh.

"Thanks, I'll talk to you later about everything, I promise." She replies.

"Okay, bye!"


Well shit. My best friends getting some and I'm sitting here on my bed bored to death. I have no other friends. Megan's gone on holiday and Tristan can't be around me still. I sigh and open up Netflix on my computer. I watch '500 Days Of Summer' until I pass out on my bed from mental and physical exhaustion.

/ / / /

This is a pretty boring chapter but the next one is gonna be hella entertaining. Shits about to go dowwwnn.

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