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I walk into the school, in a slightly better mood after having a little alone time. I open my locker and get my books out for my lessons before walking to my first class. I really hope I don't bump into Tate today. He didn't text me at all last night which just makes me more frustrated.

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The 1975 blasts in my headphones as I rest my head against my  with my eyes closed. The unusual sun hits my face as I relax to the sound of 'Robbers'. Suddenly, a headphone is taken out of my ear, making me look up in anger. What the hell? My eyes are met with Brad, with one headphone in his ear.

"Your music taste just keeps getting better and better." Brad compliments me.

"You like The 1975? I thought you were into scary rock music?" I ask him.

"I appreciate all kinds of music Olivia." He replies in a cool manner. How can he be so calm and collected all the time? And smooth, he's very smooth.

"Good to know." I nod slowly. I look back at him, his eye is all bruised and a little swollen. "Woah what happened?" I ask him and stare at the black eye. Then I notice his hand in a black cast, of course it's black.

"Oh...just some asshole." He mumbles, looking back at me.

"Does it hurt?" I ask him, my fingers tracing the bruise around his eye lightly. I don't know what came over me but it was my immediate reaction.

"Not really, I've had worse." He shrugs. I look at him and smile whilst rolling my eyes.

"I forgot you were such a badass." I chuckle.

"That's me." He says. Am I actually getting along with Brad? Is this actually happening? He's an asshole. Well I'll admit he isn't as bad as I presumed he was. He's still a dick, he's just nice sometimes and very attractive.

"So did you need something or are you just here for the great company of mine?" I ask him sarcastically.

"I'm having a party this weekend, Friday because I know you have work." He says. He remembers what I have to do on weekends? "I want you to come."

What? Is this an invitation? Is this a date? Stop thinking into things. Don't fall into his trap. He may be okay but he is not boyfriend material, you will just get hurt.

"Do you ever not go to parties?" I ask him.

"No it's kind of my thing." Brad replies. "So will you come?" He asks me again.

"Uh, I'll see if I can." I reply because I don't know if I want to or not. I don't want to get wasted again because I'll definitely do something with Brad. Then again last time I was wasted he didn't take advantage of me. Could Brad possibly be a better person than Tate? But if Brad is drunk and I'm drunk that will not lead to good things.

"Good, I've got to go but I'll probably see you later, that seems to happen a lot." He says and walks back into the school.

I laugh, it does happen a lot. Wherever I go, Brad seems to be there. It's like everything is telling us to just talk to each other. I shake my head, stop thinking about it. I pack up my stuff and head back inside, I have English next, which Brad is in. This should be fun.

After an hour of boring lecturing English finally finishes. I get up to leave but I am interrupted by my teacher.

"Olivia, wait a second." She calls.

"Yes?" I turn to face her.

"A particular student in this class is currently failing this class and has asked for a tutor to assist him. Since you are as it seems, good at this subject, I have chosen you to tutor him. It is for extra credit which you will need so I'm sure you will cooperate. However, if you do not tutor him I will have to put you in detention every week." She explains.

"What? That's so unfair." I complain.

"That's the way life is Olivia. Now, you will meet up with this student twice a week, whenever and wherever you see fit. Just do it and help the kid. Do you understand?" She asks me.

"Yes." I grunt. This is not what I wanted, tutoring some dumb ass kid because my English teacher hates me.

"Good. I hope you and Mr Simpson have a lot of fun." She says and walks out of the classroom, leaving me shocked.

What? Simpson? Brad Simpson? Fuck. I have to tutor Brad. I have to be alone with Brad. This is not good. The last few people leave the classroom, including Brad who winks at me as he walks by.


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Hey sorry about the long wait I went on holiday and then went back to school and now I'm in year 11 and shits getting real so it's hard to do school and this.

But did you like it? What do you thinks gonna happen when she tutors Brad?;)))))

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