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I wake up and rub my sore eyes, they are still a little swollen from last night. I didn't cry much but the confusion exhausted my body. When I open my eyes, my mind floods with thoughts from last night. I have so many questions. Why would he lie about needing a tutor? Why would he want to spend time with me? It's not like Brad could ever like someone for anything other than just sex. I sigh and get up from my bed, not bothering to get changed or put on any makeup. I'm really not in the mood.

I yawn and pad down the stairs, rubbing the bird's nest on top of my head. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror in the hallway as I walk past it and grimace. Thank god I cancelled going to work last night, if anyone saw me like this today they would run a mile. I flop onto the sofa and pull a blanket over my body. I sit in silence for a while, thinking over things. It was so crazy last night, I've never seen Brad shout like that before. He was so angry and intimidating and it was all aimed at me. How did I not run away crying before he told me to leave?

A part of me thinks Brad is scared to show emotion. I saw a glimpse of emotion last night when he told me he didn't need a tutor but as soon as he showed it, he shut out his emotions and shut me out. I wish he would just say what's on his mind. I groan out loud. It doesn't help that Sam is out, so yet again I'm all alone to drive myself crazy. Well I'm not going to let myself. I can't let a boy drive me insane, I'm better than that. I was fine before him and I can be fine without him.

With a sudden burst of empowerment, I walk back upstairs and get myself ready. I don't know where I'm going to go but anywhere is better than being by myself in this house. I put some jeans and a crop top on and do my make up, spending more time and effort on it to compensate for my developing dark circles from last night. Once I'm done, I smile at the result. Now this is the face of a girl who doesn't cry over boys. I confidently walk down the stairs and into the kitchen to get myself some form of breakfast, settling on toast because I still have zero energy. I lean against the counter as it cooks, getting lost in my thoughts about Brad.

He really opened up to me that night he came to my room drunk. The meaning behind his lantern tattoo was so deep and so special, I could see a different side to him and I just wanted to find out more. But after last night, I'm starting to wonder if it was all an act just so he could have meaningless sex with me. Just another girl. I repeat in my head. If I was just another girl why would he keep coming back to me? All the other girls are one night stands but with me and him it was different. I know it was. I'm shocked by how upset I am over being called another girl when this whole time I've been reminding myself that that is all I am. Hearing it from him is different, it became reality and I didn't want it to be.

I snap out of my daydream when the shrieking noise of my smoke alarm blares at me.

"Shit!" I exclaim, rushing to my toaster and pushing the button so that the black bread pops up.

I look down at the charred toast and sigh. Yet again, Brad ruined something else. I throw the toast in the bin and fan a towel at the smoke alarm, trying to get rid of the smoke surrounding it. Eventually, the thing shuts the hell up and I lean back against the counter, releasing a deep breath. I run my hand through my hair, trying to relieve the stress building up inside of me. All I want is one good day. Is that too much to ask for?

Suddenly, the door bell rings, making me groan in annoyance. What now? I stand up straight and drag my feet to the door, the smell of burnt toast still lingering in the house. I open the door, my stomach dropping and my eyes widening as I do. In front of me, wearing a white shirt buttoned all the way up and black jeans, is Brad holding a bunch of flowers in his right hand. My eyes trail up to his face, he has taken out all of his piercings, he looks nervous and awkward.

"Uh...hey." Brad says awkwardly as he scratches the back of his neck with his right hand. I stare at him in silence, extremely confused.

"W-what...what are you..I'm..." I stutter, completely lost for words. Last night he was screaming at me telling me to fuck off and that I mean nothing to him and now he is standing in front of me dressed up and holding flowers. How does that even happen?

"I-er-I came to talk to you." He says nervously, staring into my eyes intensely.

"About what?" I ask him, I can feel anger bubbling up inside of me as I think back to last night. If he expects me to just drop it, he is mistaken.

"Us." he mumbles quietly whilst looking intimidated.

"Us?" I question him, folding my arms in front of my chest and giving him a stern look. He looks so nervous and I feel in control for once.

He nods.

"Can I come in?" He asks timidly. I think about it for a second before nodding, I should at least hear what he has to say.

I step aside so he can let himself in, he walks in and stands awkwardly as I shut the door and face him, waiting for him to speak.

"Well uh...I wanted to apologise for last night. I was being such a dick and I spoke to you like shit and you really didn't deserve it. But yeah I'm...really sorry." He looks away from my eyes. "And uh...you're not just another girl. I don't know what the fuck it is but something just keeps dragging me back to you...you're just so intriguingly beautiful and captivating." he says quietly, rambling slightly.

My eyes snap up to his, my heart is beating so fast. What is he saying?

"What I'm trying to say is...well it's more of a question really but uh.." he stumbles over his words. He takes a deep breath in and out. "Would you like to go a date with me?" he blurts out.

My mouth drops open as I process what he has just said to me. A date. An actual date. An experience with Brad that doesn't lead to sex and he is asking me.

"Liv, say something." he nervously chuckles, nibbling on his lower lip.

"W-what?" I stutter.

"Don't make me say it again." he says with a hint of frustration.

"I-uh-is this serious?" I ask him, he nods. "An actual date?" he nods again. "And this isn't a joke?" I ask, he nods and chuckles.

He walks closer to me, taking my hand in his free hand and playing with my fingers as he looks into my eyes. I stare at the raw emotion in his eyes and notice how vulnerable he is right now. I bet he's never even asked anyone on a date before. I bet he's never shown real emotion like this to anyone before.

"Y-yes." I stutter, still completely shocked. A wide grin spreads across his face at my answer, his eyes creasing at the sides. The corners of my lips turn up into a small smile but my brain is firing a million questions at me.

"Uh-these are for you." Brad says as he hands me the small bunch of peonies. I smile a little as they're my favourite flower, but he doesn't know that. I accept them gratefully, I can't believe this is happening.

"Thank you." I smile. "Let me go get my phone." I say quickly before walking upstairs and into my room. I lean against my bedroom door once I'm inside and sigh, trying to catch up with what just happened.

Brad just asked me on a date. Brad Simpson, the biggest fuckboy of the school, just asked me on a date. He's actually showing emotion towards me, my heart swells and a grin plasters itself across my face. I rest the flowers on my dresser and pick up my phone, glancing at myself in the mirror. Thank God I decided to get ready. I walk back downstairs to see him standing at the bottom of the stairs, facing away from me and playing with his rings nervously. I smile as he turns around and grins at me.

"Shall we?" he chuckles, taking my hand in his.

"We shall." I respond, giggling a little as he leads me out of my house and to our first date.

/ / / /

OMG this is so cute Brad's so awks with emotions. I cannot believe it is the 46th chapter and they haven't even gone on a date yet lmao.


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