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After a few more minutes of tense silence, Brad pulls up outside of a small cafe which doesn't look nearly as nice as the one from yesterday but I have a feeling Brad wouldn't risk going there again incase we ran into his dad. We both get out of the car and take a seat at one of the small tables in the corner. He always seems to sit in the corners of places, maybe he doesn't want to see anyone.

Or he doesn't want to be seen with you.

I push away my annoying self conscience and order pancakes because that sounds so good right now. Brad orders a lot of food which makes me laugh as he practically orders everything on the menu, the boy is never full. We make small talk about a few things before the food comes and we eat quietly, Brad teasing me every now and again. The tension is still there and I'm so annoyed at James for ruining our day before it even began. Brad seems distracted by his phone as he's been texting someone constantly. I try to push away thoughts of him talking to another girl or him talking about me to his friends. Am I boring him? Is he moving on to his next girl? Maybe it's something to do with the whole drugs situation? A shiver runs through my body at the thought of Brad dealing drugs, I hate it and I hate the fact he can't get out of it.

I can feel Brad's intense gaze on me as I stare down at my pancakes without actually doing anything. I must look insane. I try to pretend that nothing happened by cutting a piece off and resuming as before but Brad doesn't buy it.

"Is something wrong?" He asks me, I look up to meet his harsh glare. He looks confused and angry and I really don't understand him.

"With me? No." I answer him and look back down at my plate. He's so intense and intimidating, being around him is so overwhelming.

"You're acting weird." He says simply, not looking away from me once as he takes a sip from his drink.

"Me? You're the one acting weird!" I accuse him and look back up to him, a deep scowl takes over his face as he looks at me. He opens his mouth and closes it a few times as if correcting himself each time on what to say.

"You're never this quiet, it's weird. You never usually shut up." Brad responds and rests his chin in his hand. I can tell he's trying to wind me up so that I get mad at him and he can tell me he was just joking and then make some kind of vulgar joke.

"And you've gone almost an entire morning without a vulgar joke and without annoying me, that's weird." I sarcastically smile at him, he seems taken back by me firing back at him but a smirk soon takes over his shocked expression.

"Sorry about that, I know how you like me talking dirty to you." His voice lowers and his leg reaches out and slides up my leg teasingly. My insides stir at his words, I'm still wound up from earlier on the dresser considering I never got any type of release. "Did you miss me saying all the filthy things I want to do to you?" He mutters, raising his foot to the inside of my thigh.

I try to control my breathing as I remind myself I'm in a public place where there are children and elderly people and I will not orgasm in a room with any of them in.

"No." I try to sound convincing but fail miserably as my voice comes out weak and hoarse.

"I knew you liked it." He continues. "My words get you so wet, so ready." He husks and presses his foot against my core, a small squeal escapes my mouth and I press my legs together and cover my mouth with my hand.

"Stop it." I hiss at him and throw his foot back down to the ground.

He chuckles at me and slips his shoe back on.

"You asked for it." He shrugs and goes back to eating his food. I fan my face with my hand in an attempt to cool down my flushed cheeks which makes Brad smile an amused smile to himself.

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