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My phone buzzes.

'So when are you going to come and tutor me then?;)'

I read the message from Brad roll my eyes. Why did this have to happen? I need to distance myself from him not get closer to him. I type a reply.

'Whenever you're not busy partying'

He replies almost straight away.

'I'm free Wednesday after school?'

'I'll see you Wednesday then.'

'Can't wait;)'

That's two days from now. I need to start preparing work for it then. I sigh and begin going through work to help Brad.

/ / / /

I get my books out of my locker as usual and start walking to my first lesson. As I'm walking I hear a familiar name being mentioned by a group of girls walking past. I try and listen to them slyly.

"Did you see Tate this morning? I can't believe he's out of hospital already." One girl gossips. Hospital? Tate was in hospital?

"I know right? He deserves what he got though, I heard he cheated on his girlfriend." My heart sinks. What? He cheated on me? Why am I hearing about this from a group of girls and not him?

"He's lucky Brad even stopped he looked like he was determined to kill him." My stomach flips. Brad? Brad beat him up? I can't believe any of this is happening. I stop walking near the girls and freeze still.

"Why did he even do it?"

"Maybe he has a thing for the girl." The girls voices fade off as they walk away.

I feel really faint. I can't believe he cheated. I can't believe Brad hit him. I mean he hospitalised him he must have been really angry. I feel tears coming up but I force them down. I suppose I saw this coming, he got what he wanted from me and moved onto someone else. I'm no better, I cheated on him with Brad. I can't blame him. I guess we just aren't meant to be.

I snap back into reality and continue walking to my lesson. I need to thank Brad, I will when I see him tomorrow. Why would he do that for me? He could have gotten into real trouble, he could go to prison! Oh my god that's why he had a black eye and a cast! Why would he not tell me what had happened? I rub my head. My life has become very stressful recently.

/ / / /

I get through all of my lessons but I didn't take any of it in, my head was filled with thoughts about Tate and Brad. I need to go and see Tate, I need to end it with him. I ring his number.

"Hello?" He answers.

"Hey." I say softly.

"Liv I-" he begins.

"Shut up. Can you meet me? We need to talk." I say sternly.

"Yeah, are you still at school?"


"Meet me at your tree."

"Ok I'll see you soon." I finish bluntly.

I hang up the phone and make my way out to my tree, he's not here yet. I lean against it and hold my head. This is good for me. Ending this is good for me. It will be less stress, less heartache, less crying over boys.

"Hey." Tate says making me look up. Holy fuck.

His face is in terrible condition. His eye is so swollen its unrecognisable, every part is bruised and cut, a large gash rests on his lip and cheek. I stare in horror. Brad really did almost kill him. That scares me but also kind of turns me on. Shut up. Not now.

"Impressive right?" He tries to joke about his injuries. I stare at him blankly making him cough awkwardly.

"So, are the rumours true?" I ask him, he nods and looks down. "Why would you do that?"

"Liv I'm so sorry, I was drunk I didn't know what I was doing." He tries to make excuses.

"Oh like you were drunk that night you took advantage of me?" I fire back at him.

"That was so wrong and such a stupid thing to do but you were all over me! I couldn't help myself!"

I stare at him in disgust. What a fuckboy.

"You're disgusting. We're over." I say simply.

"No please, baby." Tate walks closer to me.

"Don't come near me. We're over, you can never change that. Now you're free to kiss whoever you want and it won't be cheating. Congratulations." I say sarcastically.

"I'm sorry." He says quietly.

"Good." I say and walk away from him. I FEEL LIKE SUCH A BADASS. That felt sooo good. I feel like a giant weight has been lifted off of my shoulders and I'm free to do what I want. I'm not even that bothered about it, which proves I didn't like him as much as I thought I did.

I walk home with Arctic Monkeys playing in my headphones to help with my triumphant mood. I get into my house, work on some more work for Brad and fall asleep.

/ / / /

Yaassss!!! Tate and Liv broke up life is good.

Ok guys I need to address something serious, it's really annoyed me that I've seen a few fanfics with my exact story. Like they have actually just copied my story and changed the names. THIS IS NOT OKAY. I thought of my stories and spend a lot of time trying to make them the best for you and for some people to steal them and claim them as their own is really upsetting and annoying. If you have copied them please delete them, make up your own ideas or don't write a fanfic.

Sorry about the rant guys I just had to say it, if you're still reading, comment on a scale of 1-10 how excited you are for new vamps music!!!

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