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I blink hard as I open my eyes, accommodating for the harsh light blaring through the window and illuminating the room. What is this room? I look around and try to familiarise myself but I'm left confused. I lift my head off of Brad's chest and look up at him. He looks so sweet and innocent when he's sleeping, a complete contradiction to his normal self. I like it when he doesn't have that deep scowl on his face. A memory flashes through my brain of last night with Brad's infamous scowl. Oh.

My mind somehow opens and accepts the memories and reminds me of the events of last night. Images of Brad pounding the boy in the face and screaming at me in the car leave an uncomfortable feeling settling in my stomach, but the memory of Brad dragging me up the stairs and slamming me against the door in this bedroom gives me butterflies.

Cautiously, I lift up my hand and lightly trace his jawline with my index finger. I never expected myself to get any kind of feelings for him but I can't help myself. He makes me feel like no one has ever made me feel before and it's addictive. I don't understand it. I'm so confused about my feelings, I can't tell whether I simply am just addicted to him or if it's something more. Maybe I do care for him? But he would never care for me, he isn't capable of feeling that kind of emotion. He said himself that he's never loved anyone, he would never allow himself to feel emotions towards me, he would suppress them. It's all so confusing.

I sigh as I stare at him with these thoughts crowding my mind. He emits a soft murmur which quickens my heart rate, I definitely do not want him to catch me staring at him. In an attempt to not seem like a creep, I remove my hand and lay my head back on his chest. I listen to his soft breathing below my ear and the light thumping of his heart against his chest. Brad moves in his sleep and wraps both of his arms around me. My heart pounds against my chest at the affection from him, it will never not surprise me. Even if it is in his sleep, it is so rare for him to show me affection, especially when he was so closed off when we first started doing...whatever we're doing.

"Liv." He murmurs almost inaudibly.

What? I snap my head up to check that he is still sleeping and, sure enough, his eyes are shut and his breathing is still slow. Did he actually just say my name in his sleep? Am I dreaming? I lay my head back on his chest and try to make sense of my confused thoughts without letting my pounding heart get in the way of what's left of my sanity. However, all I can hear is my heart in my ears so that doesn't do well.

Suddenly, I feel his hands gently run through my tangled hair and play with little strands of it. I close my eyes due to the amazing feeling and try to ignore the butterflies in the pit of my stomach. He holds me in place on his chest with his left hand on the small of my back, whilst his right hand moves to my bare shoulder and traces small circles on the skin. His fingers lightly move down to the top of my back and do the same, I can already sense that goosebumps have risen on my skin and I'm sure Brad has noticed. I hear a very faint chuckle come from him which lets me know that he is definitely awake now. The thought of him showing so much genuine affection whilst I'm 'sleeping' is making my insides feel funny.

He lets his fingers trace down the curve in my back which is exposed due to my position on his chest. I attempt to suppress the shivers running up and down my spine but they show no sign of disappearing. His fingers stop their movements and he kisses the top of my head lightly. Why can't he be like this when he thinks I'm awake? I pretend to stir and wake up and look up to see him.

"Hello." He chuckles in a deep, raspy voice.

"Hi." I giggle. My head slightly aches but it's barely noticeable, by the looks of Brad, he's suffering worse than me.

"I'm fucking dying." He groans dramatically and lays his head back on the pillow, resting his arm on his forehead in overdramatised pain.

"Die quietly." I tease him and bury my head back into his chest.

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