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Brad pulls into the almost empty car park of the small diner. After yesterday's intense conversation, he offered to take me to dinner tonight, and by offered I mean he gave me no choice and turned up to my house with no warning.

The sun has just set, leaving the sky a dull grey in its wake. We get out of Brad's car and make our way towards the diner, Brad wraps his arm around my waist as he guides me towards the door. I'm shocked by the display of affection in public but if this is how he's going to treat me now, then I'm all for it. He opens the door to the diner and gestures for me to go first. I look up to him with a questioning look and he smiles down at me.

"What's got into you?" I laugh as I go to walk into the diner.

"Nothing." He shrugs and pushes past me, shutting the door in my face and bursting into laughter as it hits me.

I hold my nose whilst laughing as he opens the door for me again and actually lets me walk in as he continues to laugh at me.

"Nice to see you're still a dick." I tease him.

He wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulls me into him and kisses my head.

"You love it." He chuckles but his smile instantly drops.

"Brad?" I question his sudden blank expression and tense muscles.

I follow his cold eyes to see a familiar group of tattooed teens sitting in a booth in the diner. I recognise three of the five around the table as James, Alex and Dylan. My stomach drops as I view the three who I have had bad experiences with so far. Seeing Dylan again makes my muscles tense as I think back to the time he was shoving his tongue down my throat and his hands down my jeans.

James' eyes meet mine and a disgusting smirk takes over his face. His eyes flash to Brad who instantly removes his arm from my shoulder and steps away from me. My heart stings a little but I can't expect him to show affection in front of his friends who all think he is some kind of player. At least I know the truth. James indicates us to come over with a nod of his head so we reluctantly join them at the booth.

"Brad, I thought you were too busy to hang with us?" James questions in a mocking tone. He knows exactly what he's doing.

My eyes focus on the other people sitting at the table, a blonde boy with no tattoos but many piercings sits in the far corner with bright blue eyes and a brown haired boy sits opposite him, his dark skin an ebony colour. I avoid eye contact with any of them and instead look at my feet. These aren't my friends and I'm so uncomfortable right now.

"I am busy." Brad huffs, his behaviour changes so drastically when he's around his friends.

"With her?" Alex scoffs whilst clinging onto James' arm. I look up to meet her judgemental eyes and pursed lips.

"Obviously." Brad rolls his eyes.

"I'm sure she won't mind if you join us for a few minutes." James says politely. "Would you mind Olivia?" He smirks.

I scowl at him and slowly shake my head. I can't deny Brad to spend time with his friends and, quite frankly, I'm scared of what James might do if I refuse.

"Good." He smiles and scoots over on the seat to make room.

There's only enough space for one person so the other side scoot over as well. Brad sits next to James, which I'm grateful for, until I see who I have to sit next to. I gulp as I meet Dylan's eyes. My heart beats erratically and my hands become sweaty as I sit next to him. I really fucking hate him. I look opposite me to see Brad extremely tense as he glares at Dylan next to me. I just want to leave this situation right now. Dylan moves closer to me the tiniest amount but I notice it instantly and my entire body tenses up.

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