Sorry (not the end)

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Hey guys it's past midnight rn and I'm just sitting here thinking and overthinking. I just need to rant a little bit, there will be an update eventually and if you don't want to read this then go ahead and skip it, but I would appreciate it if you took the time to listen to the ramblings of a teenage author.


When I started writing Precious, I was thirteen, which was also when I first got into The Vamps. Now, a LOT has changed since I was thirteen. Three year have passed. I haven't listened to The Vamps in a long time, I don't even follow them on any social media anymore, I've simply just grown out of them and that stage of my life. And now I find myself with these rather embarrassing and badly written fanfics on the internet that I desperately want to delete but people tell me they enjoy them (no idea why).

But, I'm still creating fanfics, a bit hypocritical right? Well, because I've gotten so much recognition from writing fanfics about this one lead singer, I've gotten into a comfort zone and I'm scared to break out of it incase no one likes my stories. I LOVE TO WRITE. I love creating new stories and getting people emotionally involved in them, so I'm creating these new stories and I'm just making them 'Brad fanfics' because I know that is what my audience wants. But I don't want that.

Then there's the fact that my least favourite stories get the most recognition, and the ones I'm more proud of (like Hired and Delayed) don't. It's incredibly frustrating for someone who's had the taste of a successful story.

What am I getting at?

I don't know.

I'm still going to continue with Dangerous until it's finished because there's nothing I hate more than an unfinished story, but I'm thinking I might delete Precious and Wanderlust. I'm sorry if you guys love them, but by the end of the week I'll have probably made a decision to make myself happy because that's the most important thing. I just feel uncomfortable with the content, that's all.

The next chapter will be up whenever, I'm not sure when because I don't really know where I'm going with this story. I had an ending planned but I don't like it anymore so idk.


Thanks guys, pls read Delayed while u wait xoxo

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