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It has been five days. Five days since I left Brad's. Since then he has not spoken to me or smiled at me or even texted me. The most communication we have shared is when I looked over at him in the hallway and we made eye contact for about 0.8 seconds before he looked away and carried on talking to his tattooed roommate.

But I don't care.

Of course I don't care. Why would I care? My life was fine before him and it can be fine without him. Do I miss him? Maybe...but I miss a lot of people who are totally platonic friends. A friend can miss a friend. Like I miss Charis since she hasn't spoken to me in like a week. Obviously her new boyfriend is more important than our 5 year friendship.

I sigh to myself as I roll over in my bed, at least it's the weekend. Oh wait, I have work. Yay! I reluctantly get up and get ready for work, kiss my aunt on the cheek and leave my house into the freezing cold British weather. Oh how I love England!

After a cold walk, I arrive at Starbucks with my nose and cheeks bright red and my hands almost numb. The warmth of the place instantly heats me up and makes me feel a little less grumpy about today. At least I'll see Megan.

Just as her name enters my mind, she walks through the door and up to the counter with her hands full. She puts the items down when she notices me and greets me.

"Hey! It's about time you got here!" She jokes.

"I'm having a bad morning don't judge me." I smile at her and help her out.

"How have you been?" She asks me.

"I've been better." I sigh.

"Brad problems?" She asks, making me smile.

"Something like that." I smile. "What's been going on with you lately? Any new boys?" I wiggle my eyebrows at her.

"Uh...not really no." She answers uneasily.

"Well that's a bad lie." I laugh. "Who is it? Do I know them?" I ask with an encouraging smile on my face.

"Yes...actually you do. Anyway, we should get this done before a customer arrives, we don't want to look unprofessional." She says quickly and moves to the other side of the counter.

Oh. That's not like her, usually she would jump at the chance to talk about a boy. I should leave it though, she obviously isn't comfortable talking about it.

The day goes by quickly, serving drinks, being polite, pretending to not be grumpy. I breathe a sigh of relief as the day ends and we close up the building.

"Do you wanna go shopping or something? I could do with some social interaction." I laugh.

"Um...actually I've uh..I've got plans." Megan stutters making me frown. What has gotten into her?

"Okay...? Another time?" I ask her whilst looking at her quizzically.

"Yeah sure, another time." She smiles. Her phone buzzes, for a second I see the letter 'C' on the caller ID before she puts it in her pocket away from view. "I really should go, see ya!" She says before turning around and walking away.

"Uh...bye?" I say to myself as she speed walks away from me. Well that was unusual. So it's someone who's name begins with a 'C'. Boy names that begin with a 'C'....Chris, Chad, Corey, Connor. Connor! It can't be Connor he's with Charis. I shake my head and make my way home. I'm driving myself insane.

Once I arrive home I decide to ring Charis since I haven't heard from her in so long. She answers after a few rings with a surprised voice.

"Hey!" She answers.

"Hey, what's up? You sound weird." I laugh.

"Oh no I'm fine!" She answers a little too happy.

"Crap did I interrupt something with you and Connor?" I ask.

"Oh no, I haven't seen Connor in a while actually..." She trails off. The suspicions in my mind grow stronger, maybe he could be cheating on her with Megan...

"Oh really? Is everything okay with you two?" I ask her.

"Yeah I guess, I don't know I just don't see him much." She sounds distracted.

"You don't think-never mind. What are you up to?" I stop myself from saying what's on my mind. I don't want to upset her.

"What were you gonna say?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Tell me." She persists.

"Fine." I sigh. "You don't think he's, you know, cheating?" I say quietly.

"What makes you think that?"

"Well...I just got back from work and Megan was acting suspicious around me and said she had plans and she had a phone call from someone who's name begins with a 'C'. I don't know it's probably nothing it was just weird." I shrug. "Why else would she act so weird?"

There's a silence on the phone for a while and I worry I've said something stupid.

"Oh no that's probably nothing. Anyway, I've gotta go my mum wants me. Talk to you later!"

"Oh okay...bye." I just about get out before the phone is hung up on me.

What the hell is going on today? I really must be going insane.

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Focussing on someone other than Brad in this chapter lmao. What do you think is happening? I bet none of you can guess:)))))

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