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I shut the door and almost collapse, my body is so tired. That was a particularly busy day at work, with Megan being on holiday I had to do everything by myself and I've never been more stressed in my life. I sigh and flop onto the sofa whilst turning the TV on. I'm just gonna sit here and relax. Tate invited me to some party tonight but I refused, I don't really want to see him right now and I need a break from parties. I'd rather sit here all day anyway.

/ / Brad / /

I slam the shot glass on the counter and swallow the liquid fast. I grimace at the taste before smiling. I love the feeling of the alcohol burning down my throat.

"You up for another?" I ask James, he is my best drinking partner. The only thing is, if you want James you get Alex. God I fucking hate her. She's so fucking clingy she follows him everywhere and all she does is giggle at everything we say and flash her tits 24/7.

"Na mate, think I'm gonna go dance with Alex for a bit." He replies and looks down at her.

"Alright mate, see you in a bit." I reply and watch them walk away, Alex literally clinging onto James with her skinny fingers. I down another shot and make my way to the dance floor. I may as well get a girl for the night.

I sit on one of the sofas and observe the people dancing, this way I can get a good look of everyone. I notice a girl with pink hair looking at me so I look back at her. She looks fairly good looking and not wasted so I signal for her to come over to me. She does. Of course she does, she's desperate. The girl sits on my lap and wraps her arm around me. I rest my hand on her thin hips and whisper dirty things in her ear. I prefer fuller hips, like Olivia's, but I can't be bothered to be picky tonight. She giggles. We stand up, she wants to go to  a bedroom and so do I, I walk towards the stairs but something catches my eye.

Tate. That fucking dick. Just looking at him builds the anger inside of me, then I notice something. He's whispering to another girl with red hair. That's definitely not Olivia. I ball my fists together as I watch them.

"Hello? Why aren't you moving?" The girl with pink hair asks me. Oh yeah.

"Change of plans. Go and dance with your little skank friends." I reply, trying not to blow off at her.


"Piss off!" I shout. She scurries off mumbling some shit I don't care about.

I look back at Tate and the girl to see them kissing, him pushing her against the wall. That's it. I march over there, being lead by anger and adrenaline. I raise my fist and punch him in the side of the face without even realising.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I shout at him. As he tries to regain his balance. "Cheating on your fucking girlfriend! Real classy you asshole!" I go to swing for him again but he dodges it and hits me on my right eye. I feel dizzy but instantly recover as my entire body fills with rage. Who the fuck does he think he is?

I punch him hard, so hard he falls to the ground. I climb on top of him and punch his face repeatedly, my arms moving by themselves. I hope I fucking kill him.

"You should be thankful to have her do you hear me? You piece of shit!" I scream whilst punching him, blood is flying everywhere as his face gets battered and bruised. I feel two arms wrap around my arms, pulling me back and stopping my fight.

"Get the fuck off of me! Let me fucking kill him!" I shout, struggling against the person holding me back.

"Calm the fuck down!" James' voice shouts in my ear. I suddenly zone back into what's happening around me. Everyone in the party is staring at me in horror, the girl Tate was kissing is screaming and the music has been turned off.

I look down to Tate's body. He lays lifeless, his face unrecognisable as it already begins to swell and is covered with blood. Good. His chest rises up and down so I know he's not dead. What a fucking shame. I control my breathing and try and calm myself down as James still holds me. I pull my arms out of his hold and look down at the pile of shit. I crouch down to him and look at him blankly.

"You go anywhere near her again, I swear to god I will kill you and there won't be anyone to stop me." I spit at him. I stand back up, kick him in the stomach and storm out of the party. It was shit anyway.

I call a taxi and wait on the street, adrenaline still pumping around my body, I look at my hands. They're all split open and swollen, it looks like I've broken my finger or something, I can't feel any pain. I hope I broke his jaw, I hope he remembers what I'll fucking do to him if he touches Liv again. If he presses charges like the pussy he is, I'm fucked.

I take a cigarette out of my pocket and light it carefully, inhaling and blowing the smoke into the cold, night air. I look at my hand again, yeah something's definitely broken there. I better go to the hospital and get it checked out. After a few more drags,the taxi turns up. I stomp out my cigarette and get into the taxi.

"To the hospital." I say flatly, he nods and starts the journey.

I look at my hand, bending it slowly to watch the broken bones struggle. I observe the blood dripping down my hand, the colour of blood is my favourite colour.

/ / / /

Dramaaa. It was so satisfying to write about Tate getting beat up by Brad you don't understand. Try and guess what's gonna happen next bc I'm really fucking excited for this story.

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