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He walks around and joins me, leading me to the door. He unlocks the door and steps aside to let me enter first. His mood changes so quickly, now he's being polite? Brad closes the door after we're both inside and locks it behind him. He turns to look at me, my insides fill with nervous butterflies as he leans against the door and let's out a loud sigh. His head rests against the door, his curls falling over the white bandana and onto his forehead. He lifts his head off of the door and pushes the bandana back so the hair is back in its previous position. He watches me carefully, the walls no longer blocking emotion from his eyes.

"Liv." He says simply. I can't tell what mood he's in and it's frustrating me.

"What?" I snap, I'm still incredibly pissed off at him and I don't want to be here.

"Can you not be stubborn for five minutes and let me explain?" He groans and steps closer to me.

I stay silent with my arms crossed, just looking blankly at him. He takes that as me agreeing and indicates for me to follow him as he walks up the stairs to his room. I follow him apprehensively and close his bedroom door behind me when I enter. He's standing at his bed, looking down at it before looking up at me.

"Explain then." I rudely remark, he is really rubbing off on me.

"Okay, but before I do, remember I'm shit with words and if I fuck up try not to hate me too much." He sighs and runs his hands through his hair.

"I'll try." I mutter, making him chuckle a little.

"I'm sorry for going mad at you, it wasn't your fault I should have known you wouldn't have said no to him. You're too damn polite." He begins and I raise an eyebrow at him. "Sorry." He quickly apologises before wetting his lips and continuing. "I didn't mean anything I said and I'm sorry for kicking you out of the car that was a major dick move."

"Yes it was." I agree. Honestly, I can't believe he's standing in front of me and apologising right now. This is so unlike him.

"Come on, you had to know that I wouldn't let you walk home on your own. You know I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to you." He admits and my heart beats rapidly. He seems to realise what he said and looks away from me.

"I genuinely thought you would leave me." I say quietly.

"Liv, I would never." He looks into my eyes and I feel like there's more behind those words but there's already too much to talk about. "I do stupid shit when I'm angry, I don't think straight." He steps towards me and I try to step back but my back hits the door.

"I know." I mumble.

"I'm sorry, babe." He mumbles and steps closer to me, our bodies only a few inches apart. My heart flutters at the use of the pet name but I push the feeling away, I'm supposed to be mad. He makes it really hard to be mad.

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have spoken to him, I could see how angry you were getting at him just being near to you." I apologise, looking into his eyes which are now considerably brighter as they stare down at me.

"Yeah, you shouldn't have." He agrees. I want to curse him out but I know he's right.

"Why did he make you so angry?" I ask him. His eyes instantly harden and I can practically see the walls building up again. I instantly want to shove the words back into my mouth.

"He's an asshole." He says coldly. He goes to step away from me but I'm not having it.

I reach out and place my hands on either side of his face, forcing his eyes to look into mine. His features soften slightly.

"Don't go back behind those damn walls, Brad." I softly say. "Please."

He sighs and puts his left hand on top of mine as it rests on his cheek.

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