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"It's him, he's calling." Charis says as we arrive at my house and she shows me my phone. I shake my head frantically and she hangs up the call.

She hands me my phone before we get out of Megan's car. Charis practically forced me to allow her to sleep round mine tonight, I didn't get a choice in the matter. No matter how many times I said no, she said there was no way she was leaving me alone tonight. I am thankful, I don't think I would have coped on my own. Charis says her goodbyes to Megan before following me into my house.

Sam is definitely asleep by now, which I'm extremely grateful for because I do not want her to see me as a mascara smudged crying mess and have to explain everything to her. Not to mention I'm still pretty intoxicated, no matter how much I sobered up screaming at Brad. Charis follows me upstairs and we both get into my bed in silence.

"I'm putting on Pretty Little Liars and there is nothing you can do to stop me." Charis teases me, making me chuckle.

We have had many arguments over this programme in the past. She is obsessed with it and swears it's the best series she's ever watched but I am convinced she only likes it because it's trendy. I watched a few episodes of it and it completely bored me. The acting was abysmal and the story line totally predictable. Charis shuts me up whenever I say a bad word about the show which means I have to watch it with her every time she wishes.

"Can we not have something a bit more uplifting or at least something with people who can act?" I fire back at her with a grin on my face.

She turns to face me with a frown on her face and humour in her eyes.

"Excuse me? Lucy Hale won seven awards for her part in this show now shut up and watch it." She jokes.

We bicker for a few more minutes before I give in and watch the show. I have no clue what is going on in the episode but I'm enjoying spending time with Charis. We haven't spent much time with each other with her and Megan getting together and it feels like I have my friend back. If only it didn't take Brad ripping out my heart to do so. My seal is broken and thoughts about the curly haired boy flood my mind before my eyes become heavy and I fall asleep.

/ / / /

I wake up with a dull pain in my head, I should be in a lot more pain than this. I remember drinking a lot of alcohol last night and although I am hungover, it really should be worse. I get out of my bed and groan when the dull pain in my heart grows. Memories of shocked green eyes and blazing brown eyes haunt my vision as I stand up and look in the mirror. Last night was not a good night for me.

I cringe at my appearance as I take in my dark circles and smudged makeup. I really should have taken that off last night. Now the smeared, black lines remind me of the cold words thrown at me in that kitchen. I sigh and sit on the edge of the bed as Charis wakes up. She lets out a load groan and clings onto her head. Obviously, she is suffering from last night worse than me.

My phone rings on the floor, loud vibrations buzzing through the floor and echoing the sound. I don't remember it being that loud.

"Turn that damn thing off." Charis groans in my bed and covers her head with my pillow.

I laugh and bend down to answer it but it stops ringing as soon as I reach it. I pick up my phone and put it in my back pocket, I'll ring whoever it is back later. Right now I need tea and a shower. I pull the duvet off of Charis' body, causing her to groan again, and wrap it around my shoulders. I cocoon myself in the soft fabric, hoping it will cushion some of the pain pounding away at my heart like a sledgehammer.

"Come on." I beckon Charis who sighs and slowly gets out of bed, clutching onto her head.

"How are you not in pain? You were more drunk than me!" Charis moans, flinching a little at her volume.

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