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"Liv! Watch out!" A female voices shrieks with panic.

I look down at my body with confusion, my bare feet pressed heavily against the black concrete topped with a thin layer of water. I wiggle my toes before looking towards the voice and frowning.

Dazed and confused, my eyes attempt to adjust to the almost black lighting, a dim radiance illuminating the source of the voice: my mother. My entire body freezes and shivers rake up and down my spine as I try and comprehend what she's doing here and how she looks so...young. The jade of her eyes shines even in the dark light, I see home in them.

But then I remember her words. That's when I see a dark shadow looming towards me, heavy booted footsteps approaching into the light, which appears to be coming from nowhere. Stomp after stomp after stomp. And then I see him. I blink several times in an attempt to wipe the vision from my sight, but it remains clear as day. Hooded brown eyes scowl at me, pink lips smirk at me and brown tendrils wave at me. This seems all too familiar, I've done this before, but now my mum is here. Why is she here?

I turn around to face her again but all I'm met with is darkness, pure darkness no amount of light could purify.

"Mum?" I shout into the empty space. "Mum!" I scream now, cutting my throat and heaving my lungs at the thought of what I know comes next.

"She's gone." Brad's all too calm voice comes from behind me. "Just like old times." His head tilts to the side and a taunting smile takes grace on those lips I loved.

"Brad, what are you-" I begin but I stop myself because deep down I know what he's here to do. He's here to destroy me.

"You know why I'm here." He confirms my thoughts and steps one stride towards me. "You've always known-" He mumbles softly as he stands one foot away from me, his hand reaching forward to play with the ends of my hair. "-right from the moment you met me."

"But I-I don't understand...why?" I breathe, the tears filling my throat and choking me.

"I have no choice." He softly smiles but there's something different. There's something in his eyes.

I blink away the tears as he cups my cheek with affection and suddenly everything has changed. He's no longer looking at me with hatred and disgust with those heavy dark eyes, he's sorrowful, he's...crying. I watch as his eyes fill with water and he blinks hard.

"What? What is happening?" I ask him but he doesn't answer. Instead he bites his lip, sniffles and takes in a deep breath. He looks upwards into the nothingness, blinking before looking back to me.

"I love you." He breathes and steps back from me. "I'm sorry."

"What? No." I panic and attempt to step forwards, but something stops me.

My feet are stuck. Stuck in this cold water on the cold concrete, no matter how much I force them to move after him. I look back up to Brad who is now being held by two men a lot taller and broader than him, one on each arm.

"Brad! What's happening? Stop!" I exclaim, still attempting to move my feet as another tall person appears in front of them, completely disregarding my presence.

The newly appeared man cracks his knuckles before lunging forwards, swinging his right arm upwards and round until it comes into contact with Brad's cheek, heavy and painful. Brad groans but holds his head high, looking the attacker in the eyes with bravery and no sign of fear.

"Brad!" I whine but he doesn't seem to hear me, no one seems to hear me. It's as if I'm not even here.

The man raises his fist and my body prepares for the hit, as if he is hitting me because it feels as though he is. This time, his fist comes from below, hitting Brad's jaw in an uppercut fashion, before his left fist gashes his left eye. Brad releases a weak whine, allowing his head to bow down to the floor. My heart swells as it beats, a new pain coming with each thud.

"Please! Stop." I sob, the tears falling now as my feet only allow me to fall to my knees, the water pooling around them.

The man proceeds to punch Brad's weak body in the stomach, emitting a low grunt and incoherent mumbles from his bleeding jaw. Slumping and collapsing, the two men hoist Brad up, being the only things holding his body up. The attacker stops and walks around them, disappearing into the darkness.

Is it over? Is he safe?

Then the men begin to walk, dragging Brad's limp body away with them.

"Stop! Brad!" I scream after them as I catch the last glimpse of claret before he's swallowed by the darkness for the final time.

Sweating and panting, I open my eyes and sit up slowly. I attempt to control my breathing and wipe my forehead with the back of my hand, along with the wet trails from my eyes to my chin. What is happening to me? Why does this keep happening? What do they mean? Surely it can't be a coincidence.

This is the third dream I've had that seems to be centred around Brad destroying me, but for some reason, this time it wasn't me. Maybe it means something, maybe I'm just crazy, but I would really like them to stop.

I drag myself out of bed and sit on the edge of it, putting my head in my hands for a few seconds before standing up and making my way out of my room. I accidentally bump into Sam on my way down the stairs due to my thoughts putting me in a daze but I don't really notice. My head is too full.

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Almost done.

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