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I open my eyes slowly, my whole body aches. I yawn and rub my eyes, looking to the side to see Brad asleep in my bed.

"Ugh again? Really Liv?" I mumble to myself, disappointed I would fall for it again but not surprised.

I get out of bed and stand up, looking down at my naked body. I need a shower. I stretch out my body, rub my eyes and scratch my bed head. I slowly drag my feet towards my en-suite bathroom but a noise stops me. The sound of the front door being unlocked. I freeze.

"Liv I'm home!" Sam's voice shouts up the stairs. Shit. Shit shit shit shit SHIT!
I slap Brad's face to wake him up, he does so with an angry face, I grab his arm and drag him out of bed.

"What the fuck?!" He almost shouts.

"Shut the fuck up!" I whisper angrily and pull him into the bathroom with me, I lock the door and hastily turn on the shower. I walk back over to Brad.

"You could've just asked nicely if you wanted me to shower with you." Brad chuckles.

"I suggest you be quiet unless you want to get murdered by my aunt who just got back." I shoot him a stern look which makes him throw his hands up in surrender.

I press my ear against the door and hear footsteps coming up the stairs and into my room.

"Liv?" Sam calls out for me. She knocks on the door lightly and calls my name again.

"Yeah I'm showering!" I call out, trying to be casual.

"Okay honey I'll start making breakfast for you, you don't want to be late for school remember!" She responds. My heart is pounding.

Oh my god I completely forgot about school! I'm going to be so late!

"I know, I'll be down soon!" I call back. I hear her walk away and shut my bedroom door.

I let out a sigh of relief and turn around, my back leaning against the door.

"Morning." Brad chuckles. "I have to say this is a very nice view to wake up to." He smirks down at my naked body, I look at his whilst blushing. I completely forgot we were naked.

"Shut up I'm going to be killed if she sees you and there's no way of getting you out of here without her knowing!" I begin to panic. "Oh my god I'm going to have to become a nun."

"Liv shh it's gonna be okay." Brad chuckles, not taking any of this seriously.

"How is it?" I ask because I would really like to hear a genuine solution that would work right now.

"I've broken into your bedroom before without you knowing, I can break out without your aunt knowing." He says cooly.

"You better know what you're doing because the rest of my life depends on this, I don't want to be a nun." I reply.

"Trust me, I don't want that either." He walks closer and rests his hands on my hips. The close proximity of our naked bodies is enough to make my mouth dry and my body excited.

"Stop I need to shower and get to school on time or my life is going to be even worse." I snap out of the temptation.

"Ok let's shower then." Brad replies rather close to my lips.

"Getting to school on time means no distractions, you and me in a shower together is a big distraction." I almost laugh.

"It saves time when two people are cleaning one body." He tries to convince me.

"If I say yes will you shut up because this is wasting time."

He nods. I sigh and grab his wrist, leading him to the shower, we both step inside and suddenly my shower looks a lot smaller than it actually is. Brad stands opposite me and watches me with hungry eyes.

"Stop looking at me like that I said no distractions." I sternly say and pick up my shampoo.

"God I love it when you're bossy." He says huskily whilst still looking at me.

"Brad! Shut up and help me." I command him.

"Yes miss." He jokes which actually makes me tingle.

I squirt the shampoo into his hands, he runs his hands through my hair making my body heat up even more. My eyes close and my body leans into his as he massages my scalp soothingly, I feel his lips kiss at my neck softly causing goosebumps to raise. My whole body is on fire but somehow goosebumps still form.

Suddenly, my brain switches on and my eyes open. No distractions. I grab the body wash as Brad begins to rinse out the shampoo, he was right this is faster. I squirt the body wash onto a sponge thing, does anyone know what they're called? Do they have a name? Anyway, I begin rubbing my body down with the foamy sponge thing as Brad finishes up with my hair.

His hands reach down and take the sponge out of my hands, he slowly rubs circles all over my body with it, shooting tingles everywhere. My whole body is a mess around him. He rubs around my stomach, getting lower and lower and lower and lower and-

"Liv come on you're going to be late!" Sam knocks on the door making me jump and let out a weird noise.

Brad's hand covers my mouth, making my body almost melt completely. He releases it slowly once I've calmed down.

"Yeah I'm done now!" I respond.

"Okay, breakfast is on the table, I'm going to nip out and get some things from the corner shop, make sure you're not late!" She shouts.

"Yes okay I'll be on time!"

"See you later."

I don't respond, I hear her leave and sigh.

"Oh my god." I whisper. I look at Brad with a glare. "You distracted me."

"Hey, I was just washing you and helping out, you got all turned on by it." He holds his hands up in surrender.

"I did not get turned on by it." I sternly deny whilst washing the foamy soap off of my body.

"Yes you did."

"Okay maybe a little bit but you knew exactly what you were doing don't play innocent." I scold him whilst running my fingers through my hair a few times.

"It's not my fault you're always horny around me, I was just trying to help." He smirks making me shoot him another glare as I turn the shower off and step out the shower.

"You're annoying." I mumble and wrap myself with a towel from the cupboard.

"Good I have achieved my goal." Brad calls from the shower. I roll my eyes and unlock the bathroom door, walking out of the steamy room and towards my wardrobe. Finally, clothes.

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