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I wait on my front step for Tristan and Charis to turn up, my hair hitting me in the face in what is supposed to be the upcoming summer. Summer in Britain is always the same, disappointing and indecisive. Thankfully, after about twenty minutes of waiting not so patiently, Tristan's car pulls up outside my house and I instantly jump and rush over to the car.

"You took your time." I scold the two of them as I get in the back seat and Tristan drives off.

Charis is dressed a little more classy than the two of us, a baby blue dress floating around her. Meanwhile, me and Tristan match with black jeans.

"Blame Tristan, he was too busy on his phone to look at the damn time. I mean, seriously, can't you leave your phone alone for more than two minutes?" Charis scolds him, making me laugh.

"No, I have important stuff to do." He mutters.

I frown at his behaviour. Usually, he would come back with some witty comment and the two would argue for hours until I stop them. But now he's just silent and...distracted. Maybe it's because of the upcoming exams, he's probably stressed.

"Alright..." Charis stares at him weirdly. "Well did you guys get everything you were assigned?" She says as if she's some sort of military professional.

"Yeah." I roll my eyes and Tris just nods. "What do you think this is?" I lift up the plastic bag gripped tightly in my hand.

"I don't know what you carry with you." She says suggestively. "Plus, you two aren't the most reliable people when it comes to responsibilities."

"Excuse me?" I argue back. "I am very responsible, I have a job." I cross my arms in front of my chest defensively.

"Yeah, and you've had more days off than actually working there, I don't know how you haven't got fired yet." She chuckles and I bite my tongue at the truth. It's not my fault Brad distracts me from everything I do.

"Because I'm a hard worker and they're afraid to let me go." I try to sound serious but we both just burst out laughing as we both know that's far from the truth.

After more teasing and laughing, we arrive at Megan's apartment in silence. Well, that is until Charis turns around.

"Right, so Meg thinks I'm getting my revision which I purposely left at hers, so I have the keys and she won't finish her exam until four." She briefs us, as if we're carrying out an actual mission.

I look down at my phone to see that the time is now three thirty and nod before looking back up to her.

"So the mission is, we go inside and you two hide until we leave to go on the date. Then, you start decorating everything, exactly how we planned it, and start letting guests in. Everyone hides, then you all yell surprise when we're back, got it?" Charis tells us for the tenth time.

"Yes." I roll my eyes. "I got it the first time."

"Shut up, you better not mess this up." She warns us as we all get out of Tristan's car and make our way to Megan's front door. Charis turns the key in the lock and let's out a little squeal as we all enter the small apartment. As soon as we do, we're met by a tall girl standing in the tiny kitchen that's accessible as soon as you walk in.

"Hey." The girl smiles at us, her blue eyes crinkling slightly at the sides.

"Hey?" Me and Tristan answer, both equally confused.

"Oh!" Charis realises. "This is Kate, Megan's roommate. She already knows you guys."

I look at the roommate, observing her dark brown skin and her short, black, straightened hair. She seems nice enough.

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