Chapter 14: Rough Drafts and spiders

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Lena's Pov:

Sitting on the rug I tried to focus on my Algebra homework however every so often Yulia would decided to become frustrated with whatever it was she was writing, wad it up and then throw it toward the trash can though every single paper wad managed to bounce off of me.

" time you throw one of those I am going to cram it down your throat. What are you working on anyway?" I said just as another bounced off my forehead.

"Shit! Sorry Lena! I'm trying to write a song but nothing sounds okay." Yulia replied, putting down her pen and rolling over onto her back with her feet up on the pillows and her head hanging just inches from the floor.

"Why don't you focus on doing something important, like your homework?" I retorted, causing her to stick her tongue out at me before she sat up.

"You're no fun." she stated as she let out a huff before falling backward onto the bed before adding "and I am going to die from boredom! It's Saturday! Homework can wait until Sunday!"

I rolled my eyes at this and sighed as I closed my math book.

"Fine, anything's better than getting brain damage from your damn paper wads!" I retorted as I stood up, my legs feeling like bees were stinging them since I had been sitting there for a while.

She sent me the same shit eating grin that she always got whenever she got her way, though sometimes I wish I could wipe that stupid look off her face.

"Thanks! Let's go Lena!" she replied, bouncing off the bed and going to the door.

Rolling my eyes I followed her, trying not to laugh at how she was still so much like an overgrown child.

"Hurry up! I want to go to the shack before everyone piles in for lunch!" she called up stairs as I tried to put my sneakers on.

"Hold your horses! I'm coming!" I called back, being able to hear Miss Volkova in the kitchen laughing at Yulia's antics.

The shack was this little bar and grill type restaurant that would let Yulia buy beer and other things despite being too young as well as one of the places that served the best hamburgers in town as well as whatever kind of drink you could think of. It was a popular place for teens to hang out on weekends since they had one area that was more of a roller-skate ring and a juice bar that served fast food, soda, smoothies, slush ice and milkshakes.

"Hey Red! Grab our skates!" Yulia called back up to me, causing me to let out a groan.

"Hey Blondie! Get them yourself next time!" I called back, hearing her call back

"fuck off Elena!" before getting lectured by her mother.

Not a lot of people knew Yulia was naturally blonde but preferred being brunette, though she hated to be reminded of it.

While rummaging through Yulia's closet I found her roller-skates as well as mine--where we had shoved them after my mom dropped my clothes off in a trash bag--though suddenly a very large spider jumped out of nowhere, causing me to fall backward.

"Shit! Yulia!" I yelled, almost instantly hearing her running up the stairs.

As soon as she saw what had happened she burst into laughter before she grabbed a sandle from her closet and whacked the intruder.

"it dead...It can't breath fire at you anymore." she joked as she tossed the shoe back into the closet before extending her hand to help me up.

"you don't have to be a jackass!" I retorted, letting her pull me to my feet though she just grinned that same cheeky smile that had made me fall for her in the first place.

"Sorry Lenka. But you screamed so loud that I thought you had seen a ghost!" Yulia retorted, causing me to purposely elbow her in the gut as I walked toward the door.

"yeah well, I'm not talking to you until you apologize for being a ass." 

Yulia sighed as she grabbed her backpack from the bed, dumping her school stuff onto the bed before stuffing our skates into it.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry I laughed." She replied, not even looking the least bit sorry as she smirked my way.

"Bullshit!" I retorted, shoving her lightly, causing her to smile brightly before kissing me lightly on the lips.

"There, does that make it better?" she asked, pressing her forehead to mine before she adding in a playful tone "Or do you want me to get down on my knees and beg?"

I laughed at her silliness as I closed my eyes, letting all my worries from before melt away as I focused on having Yulia with me, being just her usual childishly jerkish self.

"I love you Yulia." I stated

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