chapter 42: with a straight face you tell lies

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Yulia sighed as she glanced over at Lena who was loading the last of the boxes in the back of Yulia's car.

"What's wrong?"

Lena asked, turning her attention to Yulia who just shook her head.

"Nothing Lenka."

Lena knew something was wrong so she reached out to take Yulia's hand as she began to walk away. She noticed Yulia freeze up, basically not even breathing at the touch.

"yuls? What is it? What's wrong?"

Lena asked, Concern filling her grey-green eyes as she came up beside Yulia, who flinched and took a full step back before replying softly

"Sorry....I'm okay Lena. Let's just get you to my place."

Yulia answered before pulling away and getting into the cab.

The drive back to the Volkova residence was quiet, Yulia driving slow over the roads.

"I thought you said you couldn't drive?"

Lena stated, earning a half hearted grin.

"I can on this road....I just may or may not have my permit."

Yulia answered, earning a laugh from Lena.

"You would drive without a license wouldn't you?"

Lena retorted and much to her relief Yulia began to laugh.

"You know me too well Miss. Katina."

A thick silence settled over them then, one that felt just as heavy as the boxes that they had loaded just minutes prior.

"Yulia, You know you can tell me anything right?"

Lena asked, earning a nod.

"yeah, I know Lena."

Yulia answered, though her voice and face was void of all emotion as she spoke.

"Then why are you so weird suddenly? Did I do something?"

Lena questioned, her voice dropping a few octaves lower as she said the last part.

"No! No...I just...Have a lot on my mind Lena."

Yulia answered, sighing as she pulled up the street that lead to her house.


Lena thought though she wouldn't voice that out loud.

"Well know that I am here if you want to talk about it."

The trail's of a different love(t.a.t.u fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now