chapter 41: On my mind

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Yulia's Pov:

"So you dated that bastard? Why exactly?"

Yulia asked, laying back onto the bed beside Lena who glanced over at her, a bottle of beer in her hand though Yulia had abandoned her half drunk bottle on the nightstand.

"I don't know, to try to make people stop being pricks?"

Lena answered, sounding slightly Pissed off though when Yulia put her arm around her she softened.

"Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have just up and left because I was afraid of you being hurt. You got hurt both ways."

Yulia responded, earning a small grin though it didn't reach her eyes.

"At least you came back."

Yulia sighed and turned to face the redhead.

"What can I do to make it up to you?"

She asked, earning a small smirk as Lena leaned over and kissed her.

"This is a good start....and maybe you can take me downtown sometime?"

Lena responded, earning a laugh.

"Most girls ask for jewelery. You ask for a date."

Yulia retorted, grinning as she stole another kiss.

"I just want to be with you. I don't give a damn about how much money you spend on me."

They lay there in silence for some time, Yulia just playing with Lena's hair while she stared up at the ceiling.

"How about this saturday I come by your house, pick you up and we go to the movies then out to eat? We will have all day to ourselves before we have to go to Ivans and do that show so..."

She finally said, glancing down at Lena who smiled, though her eyes were still closed.

"Sounds great."

Yulia wanted to laugh at how sleepy that Lena sounded though she didn't.

"I see you still get drowsy when someone plays with your hair."

she commented with a grin before pressing a kiss to the redhead's temple then added

"Go ahead and go to sleep. I'll make dinner while you sleep off those Three beers you had."

Lena nodded, curing into Yulia's side though the brunette just snickered and added

"and the bottle of whisky."

When Lena woke back up she found Yulia in the small kitchen part of the building, cutting up mushrooms and a mix of peppers.

"What you up to?"

Lena asked tiredly, leaning her chin on Yulia's shoulder. Earning a chuckle.

"Making dinner....Hopefully you like pasta....and chicken. I would have taken you out but....Well....I just wanted to do it myself because anyone can buy food."

Yulia responded, only to feel a kiss pressed to her collarbone.

"this is fine, but when did you learn to cook so well?"

she answered, earning a grin.

"I watched a lot of cooking shows while I was gone....cable tv sucks."

Lena laughed aloud at that as she pulled away.

"So was this your plan? Get me drunk and then make me dinner?"

She asked, earning a blush from Yulia.

"No....I planned on just having a simple night together. Just getting to know each other and whatever. You're the one who drank a whole bottle of whisky while talking about your idiot parents."

Lena laughed aloud at this and stole a kiss from Yulia before responding

"And that is why I am moving out when I turn eighteen."

She retorted, earning an eye roll.

"How about you move in with me and my parents again? Just until we're old enough to move out together."

Yulia suggested, earning a thoughtful look.

"You know what, I'll pack my shit tomorrow when I get home."

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