chapter 51: Crazy schemes

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Yulia's pov:

School sucks, particularly on a monday and especially when I don't have a class with Lena. I was sitting in middle of my history class when  the sound of the phone finally cut me out of the torrent of daydreams that I was having.


I nearly jumped from my seat at the sudden sound of my name.

"yes sir?"

I responded, trying to ignore the giggles around me.

"You evidently have been excused to drive Lena home, seems like she got hurt in gym class."

I was out of there faster than a bat out of hell, grabbing my bag and just cramming my stuff into it, I could worry about the mess later.

When I reached the nurses office I found Lena sitting on the bench by the door, her leg propped up on the bench beside her and a pair of crutches sitting beside her.

"What happened?"

I asked, causing her to look up, her eyes bloodshot from crying though there were barely any trace of that now.

"Me and Volleyball don't mix."

she responded, slowly getting up and pulling herself onto the crutches.

"here, I'll walk behind you so if you trip on those things."

I stated, earning  laugh from her as she glanced over her shoulder at me.

"Yulka, I can handle this. I have always been a complete and total Klutz."

When we got home I had to practically force Lena inside until I could get our bags from the car, which reminded me that I needed to get my driver's license  soon as possible. After carrying our stuff inside I went back to Lena, who was sprawled out on the couch.

"Need anything?"

I asked, earning a look.

"Yulia, it's a sprain. Stop worrying so much, I'm not helpless you know."

She snickered, moving over and patting the couch beside her before adding

"Sit. The only thing I want from you is to sit here and watch this with me."

She stated, leaning back so that her head rested against my side.

She was half asleep by the time the movie was over, though frankly how she could sleep while watching a horror flick was beyond me. I finally managed to get away from her after around ten minutes. I knew that it was her turn to cook something since my parents would be out late but I didn't want her up and about on that foot, not with her hurt.

When she woke up I had just finished chopping the ingredients for a salad.

"You know I am not helpless right?"

I nearly dropped the knife at that, causing her to laugh.

"Damn it woman, are you trying to make me lose a limb?"

I couldn't help but retort, causing Lena to roll her eyes.

"You wouldn't have that worry if you didn't use the wrong kind of knife....what where you trying to do? Murder the Lettuce or clean it because that is a carving knife."

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