chapter 59: Not the same

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Yulia's pov:

I still felt like an idiot for worrying Lena like I did. I mean, anyone would think that their partner was cheating if they were acting like I had been. I needed to figure out a way to make it up to Lena. I mean I did the one thing that I had never wanted to do, I had made Lena cry. Even if she was over thinking things.

I had to make it up to her, I had to make this right.

I stole the car, okay so I can't necessarily steal a car I have driven before but technically I'm not suppose to drive but whatever.

I tried to make arrangements for all the things that we could do that day that Lena would enjoy. After all, that would prove to her that I cared right? I knew how Tori's mind games made me feel, and I didn't want Lena to think I was full of empty promises like that.

I had to make everything perfect, starting with reservations at the italian place she had always wanted to go to.

When I got back home Lena was sitting on the front steps, earphones on and a book in hand.

would she freak out if I just.....

I stopped that thought before it began, deciding to pull her headphones off, prompting her to turn toward me in an instant, her eyes narrowing as if she was trying to find the answer to something.

"What's up Yulia?"

She asked me instead, getting up and dusting her pants off before turning her attention back toward me.

"Can't say, it's a surprise. Come on."

She gave me a look before following me to the car.

"I thought we agreed to nothing like this for no reason? Like seriously, this isn't a contest Yuls."

She complained, though half heartily.

see? She hates the idea!

I again mentally told the voice in my mind to shut up and just smirked.

"Oh so you're the only one allowed to get all sentimental?"

I retorted, earning a glare.

"Oh so I'm the sentimental one?"

She retorted, her tone teasing as she added

"Now on a serious note, what are you up to?"

I wanted to laugh at that.

"You'll see."

When we pulled into the parking area at the restaurant her eyes went wide.

"Yulia? I thought we both agreed this place is way over priced?"

She stated and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Lenka, I fucked up last night and no necklace is going to prove...."

I began, though Lena just took hold of my hand and if she felt me flinch, she didn't show it.

"Yulia, You don't have to prove anything. I over reacted and you have nothing to feel guilty of. I'm not like what's her name, I am not going to fly mad at every drop of a pin. You forget, we grew up together. I know how you work."

She retorted, smiling as she kissed me before adding

"We might as wells eat while we're here since you didn't have breakfast but next time you feel like surprising someone.....Order a pizza, bake a cake or something. You don't have to spend money on me to prove anything. I'm not bitchzilla."

My stomach then chose that moment to start gurgling and I felt heat crawl in my face though Lena just laughed.

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