chapter 26: Mistakes and confessions

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Lena's pov:

I had to roll my eyes at Yulia, who was barking orders at Steve and Domen, both who was obviously growing more tired of both the endless rehearsal and my girlfriend's constant bickering. The heat in Domen's garage was enough to choke a horse and we were all getting irritated easily because of it, though Yulia more so.

"Yuls, lighten up. You're going to burn everyone out on the first day of rehearsal if you keep bitching at us for every mistake."

I stated as I took a drink of water, fanning myself with a folded paper towel to try to cool off even just some what.

"Not you too! Don't you three want to win this damn thing?"

She responded, her voice a dangerous low.

"Yeah, but we don't want our arms to fall off either!"

Steve quipped, only to cause Yulia to turn around to glare at him.

"Fine, if you three don't care about this then I don't either!"

she shouted before turning on her heel and storming out of the garage and toward her bike.

"Damn....Volk must be ob her period or something. You really need to give her some, or something. She's a pain today."

Domen stated and I felt blood and heat fill my face and ears.

"Shut up. I'm going to go see where she has vanished to, before she does something stupid....and before I strangle you two for being idiots."

I retorted before following Yulia's path out the door.

I didn't know where yulia could be in this short distance of time, but I couldn't see her and her bike was gone. Sighing I got on my own, heading down the same road we came, though I didn't get very far when I heard cursing and the sound of water splashing.


I asked earning a glare.

"what do you want?"

She growled out through clenched teeth, not even looking my way.

"For one making sure you didn't do something dumb...For two I want to know why the hell you stormed off like that? I know you want to win this thing but you wont get anywhere if you drive all of us to the brink of exhaustion! Do you not think we understand how important this is to you? I mean I have worked just as relentlessly as you have to make this work, but you can't go all dictator on us! Not like you have today Yulia."

I responded, surprised at how sharp my own tone had gotten. I don't know if it was the heat or just how bossy she had been all day but I found myself fed up with her immaturity and we never fought, at least not like this.

"You thought I was insane for wanting to do this! You told me countless times Lena! Don't start this guilt trip bullshit!"

She retorted, whirling to face me. Her face red with anger though I noticed how shiny her red rimmed eyes were.

"If you can't handle my teasing then why didn't you tell me before now!? Yulia, you told me that if you ever did anything to hurt me to tell you well that goes for you too. If we are going to be in a relationship then we need to communicate besides blow up like this after months of build-up!"

I retorted, earning a scoff.

"I guess you want to break up then? Because I refused to do one thing? Typical Lena, real fucking typical."

I didn't know what cut me deeper, the fact that she didn't trust me enough to tell me that my teasing had hurt her or the fact that she had even suggested that we break up.

"No, but Are we seriously going to break up over a stupid talent contest? After all the shit we've been through together?"

I retorted, feeling the familiar pressure at the backs of my eyes as I turned to walk away. I couldn't believe what I had heard come from her mouth, was she really willing to break up at a drop of a hat like this? I couldn't help but wonder, though I was suddenly pulled from my thoughts by a rough hand on my arm.

Yulia turned me to face her, looking to be on the verge of tears.

"Lena, I...I'm sorry. I...there's a lot of shit you don't know about me. I mean there were years between the last time we saw each other between Neposedi and when we started junior high together. I guess....Some of those memories just flare up after a while...and...I guess you were an easy target to take it out on and that wasn't fair. I'm sorry."

She admitted, looking down. Her lips trembled as she spoke, her hand dropping from my arm as she waited for my response, though I wasn't sure what I could say, especially since I was wondering what it could be that Yulia was talking about.

"Don't shut me out Yulia. Tell me honestly about things like this. But don't expect me to just sat back and taking you cursing and raving at me but I forgive you, just stop trying to kill us, okay?"

I asked, smiling a bit at the end as I took her hand. when she looked up at me I realized she had been crying silently the whole time and Yulia rarely openly cried.

"so we'"

She asked, causing me to laugh.

"Yeah. Just no more channeling Stalin during rehearsals because next time you tell me to get louder I swear I will shove a microphone down your throat."

I retorted, causing her to giggle softly, the light finally returning to her dulled eyes.

"Deal...Come on. Let's go....I owe the guys an apology. Then we'll go home for the evening. I think we need to talk....."

The trail's of a different love(t.a.t.u fanfiction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat