chapter 48: The Perfect date

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Yulia's Pov:

I was beyond nervous about all of this, since I wanted this to be perfect. Lena had been so patient with me over the last few weeks, even when I knew she had been stressed and hurting so this date had to be unforgettable, not only to prove that I loved her but also to make up for pushing her away countless times. I knew she would probably kill me later for all of this but, I also knew it would be worth it.

"You always wanted to go ice skating right?"

I sked, causing her to turn toward me.

"What are you planning?"

She asked besides answering my question, just as we pulled into a large parking lot.

"I may had Ivan to pull a few strings to get us an hour alone in the rink...that is if you want to?"

I felt like an idiot, a lot could have changed in the last few years though she just laughed.

"Yulia, you remembered something as small as that and went through all this trouble...of course I'll do it....If you promise not to laugh if I fall on my ass."

"I promise."

I stated in response, getting out and grabbing my jacket from the back, knowing I probably wouldn't need it but she might.

"Come on Lena! You're being such a child! No one saw!"

I couldn't help but laugh as she glared at me from a bench.

"And you are acting like a child by laughing like a hyena."

she retorted, her face red from embarrassment as she glared at me.

"Still! Do you know what that would have looked like?"

She retorted, causing me to dissolve into laughter again.

"Sorry...It's just..." she didn't give me time to finish that sentence before she was back on the ice, though only long enough to skate to the opposite end of the room, her face burning crimson when she passed.

I knew she wasn't mad, not really. But she was easily embarrassed and that fall had put us in a quiet suggestive position, though frankly I found it funny.

"Look I'm sorry Okay?" I finally called, earning a smirk from her as slid away.

"Sure you are."

The redness had left her face, though she was going to really make me pay for teasing her so much and I knew it.

"I am!"

I retorted, however suddenly I found that she had whirled around behind me, gently pushing me forward so that I had to whirl around to face her.

"Prove it."

She teased, causing me to roll my eyes.

"We're already going to spend all day together. What more could you want?"

I retorted, earning a surprised look.

"For one to know why you've been sneaky about this whole thing. You won't even tell me where we're going next!"

She responded.

"That's a surprise but you get to pick what we do after okay?"

I answered, feeling a goofy mile come over my face as she groaned.

"I hate it when you try to be romantic...You won't even give a hint."

Did I ruin today?

The thought ran through my mind, however it didn't stay there long because suddenly I felt a pair of lips touch mine.

"but I still can't believe you planned all this in an hour!"

We left the ice ring when Lena started complaining with being cold and I was thankful for it being a hot day outside, since our next stop was indeed outside.

"Yulia, how the hell did you set all of this up?"

She asked no sooner than we had pulled into the park.


I answered simply as I got out, opening her door for her despite the look she sent me.

"Yuls...We're at a park...Not a ball. I can open my own door."

She grumbled, though I ignored her.

"And you're my girlfriend so I get to do nice things for you."

I quipped as I lead her over to where Ivan sat, looking at something on his phone.

"And there's my que to leave...have a good time girls."

He stated as soon as he saw us.

"And I think Viktoria finally called him back."

Lena giggled as she followed me over to the table.

"about time, I got sick of seeing them two try to impress each other."

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