More Drama.

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Yulia's pov:

Lena didn't catch up to me until we were both outside of the house and the only thing that kept me from getting away from her was the fact that I slipped on the still damp grass and fell flat of my back.

"You okay?" she asked, trying to stifle a laugh and I groaned and rolled my eyes as I pulled myself up.

"What do you think? I just body slammed the ground!" I growled as I tried to stand and brushed the dirt off of my pants just as Lena's laughter burst out.

It had such a angelic sound that I couldn't even try to be angry with her. Even though I tried to seem to be though it just proved to amuse her all the more.

"Oh yeah freckles. Make fun of me." I retorted, earning a light glare since I knew she hated being called freckles. However much to my surprise besides storming off like I expected her to she suddenly shoved me to the ground before tickling me.

"Hey! No fucking fair!" I gasped out, causing her to smirk evilly.

"All's fair in love and war!" she retorted, basically sitting on me so that I couldn't fend her off.

"Well fuck war and I hate you so get off me!" I responded, only to end up caught in another playful onslaught.

"You love me and you know it!" Lena snickered, her eyes getting a mischievous glint to them as she finally stopped and got up.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night....Now help me up. Thanks to you I have to piss." I grumbled as she pulled me to my feet and I rushed to the bathroom.

When I came back out I couldn't find her anywhere until she literally jumped out of nowhere and scared the crap out of me.

"What the heck Lena!" I demanded, wincing as I fell back against the wall. However then she cut me off by kissing me; the taste of her flavored lip-balm enveloping my senses.

"I thought you were innocent." I laughed as she pulled away, a slight blush on her face, making her look even cuter than she was already.

"You wish." she retorted in a fake hauty voice that caused me to laugh at the exsagerated tone.

"Okay miss bad man...Let's go do something besides standing around yakking all day." I chuckled, putting my arm around her and leading her away from the house.

We were just about to get to the bus stop when a familiar voice called out

"Oh look, it's the dykes."

I flinched at that as I felt Lena stiffen at my side. I was use to the stupid bullshit that everyone else my age aimed at people like us but Lena was new to all of this and was sensitive anyway.

"Is that the best you could come up with Anna?" I sneered, pulling Lena slightly close to my side.

"Look who's talking Volkova. At least I don't look like a boy." Anna retorted haughtily and I rolled my eyes.

"At least I don't have your face." I snapped, causing her already dark eyes to glaze over in anger.

"What did you say faggot?" She growled, advancing toward me.

"you heard me." I spat, trying to control my anger as I pushed Lena safely behind me.

It was then that Anna chose to slap me, causing me to fall against the pavement.

The only thing I remember then was Lena's concerned voice as her eyes filled over with tears then I snapped and the next thing I knew was that Anna was nursing what would be a black eye.

"Now you look as ugly as your heart; Bitch!" I snapped before pulling Lena back toward my house.

"Yulia....You didn't have to do that." Lena stated, causing me to sigh.

"Lena...I didn't hit her because she hurt me. I knew that if I didn't do something she'd either say or do something to you and I couldn't stand the though of anyone hurting you in any way." I admitted, letting her trace her fingers over the bruise that I knew was forming on my face.

"I can take care of myself." she reminded me softly, her green-gray eyes filled with concern as she forced me to look at her before adding

"please don't let yourself get hurt because of me."

That was one thing I knew I could never promise her because I knew that no matter what happened I'd always want to protect her.

"Lena, I won't promise that because I know I'll break it. I love you way too much to promise that because I will do anything to protect you...even if it means keeping you away from me." I vowed, only to earn a irritated look before she pulled me into a warm embrace.

I could feel her crying lightly against me and I knew that seeing anyone hurt because of her made her feel guilty. I hated that I was once again the cause of her pain but I knew that this time I had no choice in the matter and that I had done what was best for Lena.

"Can you spend the night? Mom's picking up taco's for this evening and Dad's away on buisness." I asked after she had finally calmed down.

"sure. Just let me call my mom and let her know where I'm at....even though I'm almost afraid to." she answered, her eyes suddenly darking to a dingy grey color.

"Lena...If they can't love you for you then you don't need them." I told her, reminding myself of the very words that my parents had told me when I first came out to them.

"I guess you're right." She sniffled, rubbing at her eyes with the back of her hand.

"You know I'm here for whatever you need." I whispered as I pulled her close against my side and pressed my lips against her forehead.

"What did I do to deserve someone like you? Accourding to my parents I should be the most unhappy person in the world!" She sobbed against my side.

"Lena I seriously don't think God works like that. I think that he wants everyone to be happy. You're seriously the most religious person I know. I think he's more likely to condem your parents if they make you feel like crap." I retorted, knowing all too well how religious her family was.

"Do you really think so?" she sniffed and I nodded.

"I'm afraid to call...I'm afraid I'll not be able to come home." she whimpered after a while and I sighed.

"Then you can stay here." I repeated the offer from earlier as I kissed her temple again.

"Okay....Can I barrow your phone?" she questioned and I nodded before grabbing the cordless beside the couch.

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