chaptdr 31: Q and A

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Lena's POV:

Yulia looked half asleep, or at the very lest high on something as she stared off into space as the teacher went on and oh about some kind of plant cell that he had Drawn on the board. I felt as bored as she looked, even the students that always paid attention looked ready to drop, not like I could say I blamed them.

"Come on guys, I know it's ten minutes until bell but can't you get a little intrested? I mean, isn't it intresting that these tiny little powerhouses build up everything on earth?"

He asked, causing Yulia to snap out of her daze just long enough to retort

"Not really."

This got the whole room cracking up though Mr. Vasiliev just rolled his eyes.

"No one asked for your sarcastic input Miss. Volkova. Anyway, on to the next part of the cell."

No sooner had he said that the bell rang, causing everyone to make a mad dash for the door, all except Alexandria, who for once wasn't wearing black, but a red hoodie (despite it being nearly summer) and a pair of white jeans.

"Whoa, what's up goth-girl? Run out of black dye?"

Yulia asked, earning an eye roll from Alex who retorted

"Real mature.  I actually wanted to ask you two something."

She retorted, blushing.

What on earth?

I wondered, though Yulia leaned up against me, arms crossed over her chest as she retorted

"Okay what is it?"

She seemed almost panicked for a moment before she asked, all in one breath

"How did you get the nerve up to come out?"

That, I did not see coming.

"Okay....Well I'll Let Yulia answer that question since I literally was shoved out of the closet and onto my face."

I retorted, earning a glare from Yulia as I walked past her and toward Mr. Vasiliev's desk, to get his stupid cell notes since Alexandria probably didn't want anyone to hear their conversation, not even him although he seemed pretty cool about the whole thing.

"So you felt like this too?"

I overheard Alexandria say, though Yulia just sighed

"Yeah, I mean I was the only one and felt like a complete freak or something. It wasn't until I met Lena that I really wanted to tell anyone besides my parents but I knew that I couldn't keep my feelings for Lena a secret so...."

I tuned at on them then, feeling like such a creep for overhearing all this.

"So you and Yulia are serious huh?"

Mr.Vasiliev asked, smirking slightly as he leaned back into his chair.

"Yeah, why?"

I asked, earning a shrug.

"Times are slowly changing, back when I was your age it was either hide it or become victim of a fag drag​ or some other hate crime. I mean, not saying it's not hard on you two since nearly everyone in the school acts like jackasses but....It's not as dangerous now as it was for me."

I almost dropped my pen then as I looked up at him.

"You? Really?"

I retorted, causing him to laugh.

"Yes really. Just don't ask who. Wouldn't believe me if I told you."

He retorted, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Now you got me curious. Who? Mr. Hailov?"

I asked, earning a blush as he stood up.

"As interesting as this conversation is Lena, I am taking these papers down to the copier. Goodbye."

I couldn't keep from laughing as he basically sped walked out of the classroom.

"What the hell was that?"

Yulia called, arching a brow as she looked after him.

"He may or may not have told me something he doesn't want everyone to know."

I retorted, prompting Yulia to groan.

"Okay fine but you will tell me later. It's not everyday Gooseneck makes a run for it."

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