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Lena's Pov:

My hands shook as I dialed the all too familiar number and put the receiver to my ear. I felt Yulia's hand gently envelope mine as I waited for someone to pick up on the other end.

"Hello, Katina residence." My mother's voice said through the speaker.

"Mom? I'm going to stay over with a friend tonight, is that okay?" I managed to ask, despite my voice shaking slightly.

I heard her sigh before she retorted "You already don't care what I think Elena." before she hung up.

I sat there numb for a few seconds as the beeping on the phone echoed through my head.

"Lenka? What happened? What did she say?" Yulia asked, her voice hushed as she leaned toward me slightly.

I forced myself to look into her azure eyes, only to see how her brows furrowed and how her body seemed so stiff.

"She hung up on me." I whispered, earning a sigh.

"Lena...You can stay here with us until things smooth over." she remined me softly, pulling me into a hug.

Burrying my face against the crook of her neck I tried to analyze what had just happened.

should I go home? could I go home? Should I stay with Yulia?

My mind was a web of questions and I knew none of the answers.

"Yuli....Can I? Do you think your parents would mind?" I questioned, earning an inaduible chuckle.

"Lena...My parents adore you. Who wouldn't?" She replied, obviously trying to destract both of us from what happened because her voice was strained as as I pulled away I saw the darkness that clouded her blue gaze. 

The trail's of a different love(t.a.t.u fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now