chapter 28: Brightside

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Yulia pov:

"Can you believe them? They treat me like shit and yet they fucking expect them to forgive them? I'm not that stupid."

Lena ranted as we sat on the roof of my house later that night, throwing her now empty bottle out into the creek that ran near the yard.

"Damn, remind me not to piss you off when you have something in your hand."

I retorted before leaning back before adding

"Fuck 'em. Carve your own path and make em eat their hearts out! Let them see that you are strong and independent and that if no one respects you, you'll just take that respect."

"You know what? You're right. Why do I even care about those idiots? Hell, my sister is more mature than they are and she's just a kid."

Seeing Lena this ticked off was weird but then again, I would feel the same way if my parents had done something like that, though thankfully I had a good relationship with mine, good enough that I didn't even really have to come out I just brought a girl home.

"True. Speaking of your sister you should totally meat her somewhere. You haven't seen her in forever and you two were close."

I retorted, earning a snort.

"She'll bombard the both of us with questions. You sure you can handle that?"

Lena asked, smirking as she lay back beside of me.

"She's what? Seven? I think I can have self control around a kid Lena, its assholes I have no tolerance for."

I retorted, rolling my eyes at her before turning my attention toward the stars, wondering just what would become of all this mess.

"Look on the bright side, no one threw anything at us except dirty looks...and that was mostly snooty old people."

She stated before adding

"Though that one girl looked like her jaw was going to detach at any given moment."

I couldn't help but laugh at that.

"Did you see that girl toward the back? I think that was Alexandria from school."

I asked, earning a laugh.

"Alexandria? As in long sleeve black shirts in summer and black makeup Alex? Why the hell would she be at a concert? She isn't the most social."

Lena responded, prompting me to shrug.

"No clue but I think it was her...Though it's weird as hell to see her in a pink crop top if it was."

I retorted, just as my cellphone rang, causing me to groan.

"The hell? Who could be calling at twelve o'clock at night?"

I grumbled, fishing it out of my pocket.

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