Chapter 63: Familiar faces

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Yulia's Pov:

"I swear to all things holy if you throw one more starfish on me."

Lena yelped, peeling the bumpy little critter off her arm and dropping it back into the water.

"I wouldn't if it wasn't so funny watching you withdraw like a hermit crab!"

I retorted, just before she managed to shove me under the waves.

We spent all afternoon messing around in the water before we finally decided to get out, get some normal clothes on and head out for lunch. The day was going great, that was until we went to a small mom and pop style ice cream parlor.

We were just sitting there in a corner booth, just talking about random stuff while attempting to eat our frozen yogurt before it melted when a all too familiar voice said.

"Well, look what the cat dragged in. I saw you strutting around on stage like a slut last night."

I froze as I saw the familair, tall, sandy haired brunette come over.

However Lena, just glared.

"Who the hell are you?"

I had never saw Lena that mad, not even when I had fucked up completely.

"I could ask you the same thing."

Lena's jaw tightened then, she was trying to control herself and that's when I found my voice.

"Just go away Tori. No one asked you to come over here."

She smirked then, turning toward me and I felt my blood run cold.

"Do you honestly think that the little shameless act you put on last night is going to get you anywhere? You'll never be good for anything but a whore."

Lena spoke once again, her voice dripping with venom

"Look, I don't know what your problem is or whatever but you have no right talking to her like that! Now leave before I end up making you."

Tori blinked in surprise before she just scoffed


And With that she walked off, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"What a bitch."

Lena muttered before taking my hand, her touch bringing me back to reality.

"At least she didn't hit me this time."

I muttered, earning a look from Lena.

"No, at least I didn't hit her for saying all of that to you!"

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