chapter 32: Mental

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Yulia's Pov:

I tried to ignore the people around me while Lena and her sister chatted at the picnic table in front of me, though my mind was focused on the notebook in front of me. I wasn't sure why Lena had agreed to babysit when she knew that we had work in like four hours but then again, Kat was her sister and it wasn't like our work was least not really.

"You're still writing?"

Katya asked, looking over my shoulder as she came around the side of the table to see what it was I was doing.

"Yeah. Trying to come up with a new song for next weekend. Pretty sure we've worn ours out though no one complains."

I retorted, earning a laugh from Lena who just retorted

"Yeah because most of the people in that dance hall are frickin' perverts."

That I had to agree with, though it was a mostly teen club but some guys are just fuckin' creeps so...she wasn't wrong.

"What's the song about?"

Katya asked, though I shrugged.

"Nothing in particular. Just a lot of dark emotions I felt before I came out to your sister...."

I answered with a shrug as I glanced over at Lena, who had that 'what the hell' look on her face.

Sliding it over to her I said nothing, deciding to turn my attention to Katya, making idle conversation with he while Lena read (which didn't take long because she was a a speed-reader and was done in only a few minutes.

"This sounds like you were screwed up in the mind....Not sentimental? You are sentimental...and after this....I believe mental." Lena retorted, arching a brow as she glanced over at me and then retorted

"And just what the hell? Is this why you started avoiding me like the plague?"

I felt heat crawl into my face as she said this.


I retorted, earning a scoff.

"I love you but damn it I even want to know how you felt during half of this crazy mess?"

You're right, you don't.

I wanted to say though I would never tell her, I would never tell her how nerve-wrecking all of this was for me,thinking she would never speak to me again.

"Don't worry about it. Besides, I'm the one who promised to protect you didn't I?"

I retorted, forcing myself to grin as she just sighed.

"Yulia, I may be more sensitive than you but I am not the only one who hurts. Let's agree to protect each other. If you do something dumb and get hurt because of me I will never forgive myself."

She told me, her eyes turning to a strange green-grey color.

"Alright. I promise....Besides you're my sanity."

I retorted, causing her to laugh.

"Why do I suddenly believe that?"

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