chapter 33: Trouble

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Lena's Pov:

Yulia never cried, the only time I had seen her cry was when we had fought and afterward when she blamed herself for my parent's freaking out. But that night as we sat in the back of Ivan's place, my stomach throbbing where a beer bottle had hit me during one performance she broke.

"Lena, I am so sorry. If I didn't have this dumb idea then you wouldn't have gotten hurt."

She stated, kneeling in front of me as she said this.

I could hear Ivan barking orders at the crowd, a few which had detained the man and had practically tied him to a chair until the police arrived. But I could barely think, the cuts hurting terribly though they had stopped bleeding and in honesty wasn't very deep.

"Yulia, it's just cuts. I'm fine."

I tried to assure her though she just snorted, giving me a look that clearly said bullshit before she stood and walked over to Steven who had been the one to call emergency services.

"Where's the fucking Medics? Someone could be bleeding to death...."

I overheard her began, though I chose that moment to call out for her, anything to keep her temperamental meltdown away from Steve.

"What's Wrong?"

She demanded, rushing over.

"get me a bottle of water....I would but...."

I began though she cut me off.

"Stay still....I will."

"I'd hate to see her if you ever get pregnant."

Dam commented nearby, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Pregnant by what exactly? The man in the moon?"

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