Plans or Mistakes.

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Yulia's Pov:

I tried not to let Lena know just how much their words bothered me as I lead her toward the small pub that was located near the school, knowing that no one would suspect that two students would even go in there.

"Is the upstair's room open Marina?" I called as soon as we walked through the door, causing the woman to cast a quizzical look at me.

"Why do you want to know Volkova?" she retorted, causing me to sigh.

"It's a long story...I'll tell you later. We just need a place to chill until school lets out." I rushed, causing her to sigh.

"Fine, no one has rented room five." 

She stated, tossing me a set of keys from her apron pocket.

"Thanks! I swear I'll pay you back some way!" I called over my shoulder as I pulled Lena toward the stairs.

"Sorry to bring you to a place like this but it's the only place where we could hide on short notice," I told Lena, who just sighed and nodded.

"At least tell me this place is clean," 

she responded, causing me to laugh.

"Actually, it's probably the cleanest place like this. Marina cleans everything in Clorox." I retorted, opening the door to 'our room'.

It always amazed me how clean these rooms actually were because by looking at the outside you'd think that this was one of the sleaziest places to go, though it was actaully the opposite of that. 

"You want a burger or something? Marina is one of the best cooks around here." I asked Lena, who sat in the window seat.

"Sure...I guess." she replied and I sighed.

great, not only did you fuck up, you made life harder for both of you!

I thought as I went downstairs.

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