chapter 50: Monday

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Yulia's POV:

I sat there, watching Lena sleep as I thought about the previous day. Her laughter, how her eyes seemed to light up as she done so. How her touch were so gentle, careful even whenever we did horse around. I may have sounded like a creep but I couldn't help myself as I leaned over to kiss her, feeling her shift at the touch.

"Well not that I am complaining of the wake up call but you have morning breath."

She mumbled, grinning as she returned the kiss before adding

"We should probably get up and get ready for school."

By her tone I knew she would rather stay in bed, no matter what she said.

"We could skip."

I offered, earning a chuckle as she turned toward me

"Yeah and your parents would kill both of us. Come on, let's get up or I'll never get up."

"They both had to leave for work early today...No one would ever know if we skipped one day."

"Be our luck though..." Lena replied before getting up and walking over to the closet.

"You're no fun.'

I commented, though she just chuckled.

"You say that now, you'd be blaming me if we got caught and your parents confiscated both of our keys."

"i would not!"

I couldn't help myself, I knew she was trying to bait me.

"Yes you would then you would whine continuously about it."

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