chapter 43: Words spoken

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Yulia sighed as she at on the roof, the one thing that didn't seem to change about her in all these years was that she still liked the view of the neighborhood from up there, especially at night. Glancing over her shoulder as she heard Lena come into the room they would share she fought the urge to go inside.

Don't hover...Give her space. You know how you hated it when she was up your ass

Yulia thought, not even noticing that Lena had walked over to her, until the redhead had taken a seat beside of her.

"It's a nice night. Remember when we would sneak out here at all hours just to watch the stars?"

Lena asked, earning a laugh.

"And remember that time I fell off the lower part into my mother's rose bushes? Pretty sure I still have thorns embedded in me somewhere."

Yulia recollected, watching as a smile lit up Lena's face.

she's so beautiful.

Yulia thought as Lena retorted

"I think my lungs are still bruised from laughing so hard."

I missed this....Talking to her....Being able to tell her anything.

"You would laugh at a girl's pain wouldn't you? It's a wonder I didn't break my neck!"

Yulia retorted, knowing she was pushing the truth a bit, since the fall wasn't that high.

"Yulia, I can jump from where you fell to the ground. I honestly believe your parents bought this house to tempt you to sneak out."

Lena retorted with a grin, earning a laugh.

"You are probably right, Plus all we have to do is get in the back of my Dad's pickup and pull ourselves unto the roof. How many times did I sneak out to come see you?"

Yulia retorted.

"A quarter to million."

Lena responded before bursting out laughing.

"Remember when my Mom almost caught us and you hid in my closet?"

Yulia rolled her eyes at this

"Yeah, you made terrible jokes for a week after that."

Yulia found her eyes landing back on Lena, noting how her eyes seemed to sparkle with both the light of the stars and the pure emotion that she was feeling. Yulia couldn't help but relax a bit in the familiarity of it all.

I can't believe she still felt for me the way I felt for her....But what if Lena is like she was?

She shook the thoughts from her mind as she slid her hand over and took hold of Lena's.

"What did I do to be lucky enough to have you?"

She asked, earning a small smile.

"I could ask you the same question."

Leaning forward Lena gently captured Yulia's lips with her own, feeling the tan skinned girl's breath hitch as she did so.

"I love you."

The words left Yulia's mouth before she thought, causing heat to climb into her face though Lena just giggled at that.

"I love you too...Always have."

Lena answered simply as she kissed her again before adding teasingly

"You're cute when you blush."

Yulia turned even redder at this.

"Oh shut up."

Lena laughed at her flustered girlfriend as she pulled away.

"What? Don't like it when I say you're cute?"

Lena jeered playfully, earning a glare.

"Lena....I swear you and your sister switched ages! She's more mature than you!"

It was all play and Lena knew it, prompting her to continue teasing Yulia until they were both collapsed into laughter.

"I missed this."

Yulia stated after a while of just laying back on the cool roofing.

"Just us, talking 'bout anything and everything. Bickering over literally nothing just to drive each other crazy."

Lena smiled at Yulia's words as she moved in to rest her head on the brunette's chest.

"I know....So did I."

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