Is this the end(part one)

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"Damn it!" I yelled, shoving my face into the plush pillow that I had been abusing for over the last ten minutes. i was glad my parents were out of the house, gone to visit my grandma for the weekend. I didn't need them asking me why i was so upset.

"you know what? I can't take this Volkova! its over!"

lena's words tossed and turned in my mind, cutting my heart to shreds with every cycle. I loved Lena, we had dated for the past month though we had kept it on the downlow until I outed her in front of tje whole school.

I longed to call her and appologize, but I couldn't....not after today. Not after knowing that i was the cause for her to be shoved down the stairs and spraining her ankle. I might as well pushed her myself because it was my fault for outing her.

getting out my phone I dailed her number, though i could hardly see the glowing buttons through my tears. When I didn't get the answer I choked back a sob as I managed to croak out

"Lena....its me, I'm sorry for everything. Please just still be my friend."

I sounded lame but in that moment I didn't care, I only wanted my Lena back.....even if it was just as a friend.

The trail's of a different love(t.a.t.u fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें