chapter 45: Confessions

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Warning: there is a Few scenes of Domestic abuse in this. Read at your own risk.

Yulia's pov:

I knew that when I pulled away from her, it hurt her. I knew she cared about me and that my fears was ridiculous but I couldn't help it, exspecailly since the last relationship I was in hurt like hell. I wondered how I was going to tell Lena however before I could even do that I overheard her argueing with someone on the phone, her yelling causing me to want to cover my ears because the small room echoed.

"Who or what was that about?"

I asked as she came over and flopped down onto the couch beside me, looking close to tears.

"My father."

Was all she said as she leaned against me, closing her eyes for a moment.

"Let me guess...someone stuck a video online?"

I guessed, earning a laugh from her as she looked up at me.

"I swear he stalks us. Why is a grown ass man looking on teenager's posts?"

She retorted with a laugh before adding

"Come on, let's go home."

I let her drive us home, taking the time to organize my thoughts though each time that I thought back my mind filed with memories that I wished I didn't have.

"You can't even do one thing right can you? You are fucking pathetic! No wonder no one wants you! All you're good for is a good fuck!"

She barked, shoving me as hard as possible against the wall, glaring down at me before she backhanded me so hard that I could taste blood.

I jumped back to reality when I felt a hand on my arm, though I sighed in releif as it was only Lena.

"Are you okay? You zoned out again."

She asked, her eyes darting to mine before returning to the road.

"Can we go to the cabin first? We need to talk and I don't want my Dad hearing this or he'll blame himself."

I answered, taking her hand into mine.

"Whatever you want."

She responded, entertwining our fingers as she turned toward the small gravel road.

Once we were inside Lena lead me toward the couch, motioning for me to sit down before heading toward the kitchen only to return for a few minutes with a mug of tea.


I managed to say, causing her to smile.

"No problem."

She responded, sitting down on the sofa beside of me. She didn't say anything, she just sat there and ran her hand through my hair.

"You remember how to calm me down."

I couldn't help but say, causing her to laugh.

"Well you remembered how to make me fall asleep."

She retorted and I couldn't help but to smile.

"Not hard to do Red."

We sat like that for some time, just making idle conversation as Lena's hands wondering about my hair and back.

"Lena...I'm sorry I have been difficult lately but....I just don't want to appear clingy or anything and....well....a lot happened in America."

the words were hard to produce though with Lena I would try, I had to try if I wanted to make this work.

"Yulia, it's okay if you're not ready to tell me. I'm not going to make you do anything you don't want to. I'm just worried."

Putting the cup onto the small, scruffy coffee table I turned toward her, taking her hands into mine before smiling.

"I know."

I answered, feeling her hands grip mine as I began once more

"I dated this girl....Tori....While in America. She....seemed perfect at first and I....I thought I could move on you know? I had only just turned sixteen and things were perfect.....for a while...Then..."

I felt my throat tighten up and my eyes burned.

"Yulia....Look at me. Did she hurt you?"

She asked, her voice lowering though full of steel. She was angry, that much I knew. But was it at me? I couldn't help but wonder as I nodded.

no sooner did I do so that I found myself being pulled into a hug.

"You don't have to tell me any more....I promise nothing like that will happen to you again. We promised to protect each other as children remember? I am not letting you go through anything like that again."

I couldn't have argued even if I wasn't sobbing by that point because her voice was so hard, though her hands remained gentle and her lips pressed trails onto my temple and hair.

"I am so sorry I'm such a pathetic....." I found myself saying, though she cut me off by pulling away, glaring at me though the heat of her stare was lessened by the tears that shone-un-falling-in her eyes.

"You are not pathetic Yulia Olegovna Volkova. Don't you ever think that, You were so brave just telling me this much alright? I don't give a flying fuck what Tori or whatever the hell her name was said, You are strong, brave, and a whole lot of other things."

As she finished speaking she pressed her lips lightly against mine, killing the argument on my tongue in an instant.

"You're amazing. Don't believe anything else."

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