Chapter 15: Memories.

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Yulia's pov:

I laughed at Lena as she tried to keep up with me around the strangely empty skating area. Her irritated but happy looks were a nice change from her mood the previous day and I knew that I was the luckiest person in the world to have the chance to be the reason she was smiling.

I slowed my pace so that she could catch up with me, feeling her arms snake around me from behind and her chin rest on my shoulder.

"I'm glad we're here by ourselves. I like being so opened with you." She whispered in my ear, hot breath causing goose bumps to rise along my neck.

"We'll never have to hide again." I replied, putting my hands on hers as we slowly made our way around the ring.

"What about at school? They're already so mean to you." Lena reminded me, causing me to roll my eyes slightly.

"Then they can have a shoe up the ass....besides I can handle it. You on the other hand I am worried about......You're more sensitive than I am." I replied, feeling her huff slightly though she knew I was right, she was sensitive.

"You know you never told me why you came after me back then. I mean we couldn't stand each other." Lena replied after some time of just rolling around in silence.

I felt my face turn red at that though I cleared my throat to hide the fact before I tried to figure out how to explain it to her.

"Well...I didn't mean to upset you. Honestly I just wanted to tease you for not being able to hit that note right without sounding like a mouse but when everyone else started chanting all that shit and you left the room I blew up on the whole class before I followed you to the bathroom."

I answered as honestly as I could without sounding too much like an idiot.

"You know, I never expected you to refuse to sit with your friends to walk me home in case some of the others tried to follow me." Lena stared, causing me to laugh softly.

"Lena, you didn't need to be alone and even someone as dumb as me could see that." I replied as we slowed to a stop in front of the opening of the ring, sitting down on the small bench to remove the skates.

"I didn't know you could be so gentle. I was use to the Yulia that pulled my pigtails while we rehearsed not the Yulia who started sitting with me even though she lost her popularity and was teased for hanging out with a nerd." Lena admitted, causing me to laugh.

"I was a jerk because I felt I had to be. But I judged you wrong.....and as we hung out I noticed that what I felt for you was far from hate." 

I hated talking about this sort of thing since I am really bad at confessions but I also would do anything for Lena though I would never admit that to her or she'd claim I was coddling her.

She rested her head on my shoulder then, closing her eyes.

She looked so peaceful in that moment, a light smile on her face that made her look like an angel. I felt my heartbeat pick up slightly as I resisted the urge to steal a kiss.

"What did I do to deserve you? Even after I have hurt you, you still love me." I found myself mumbling, only for her to sit back up and glare slightly.

"Yulia, You were....are my best friend and I love  you. Stop beating yourself up over telling them we're a couple because I am not ashamed that they know that I am dating the girl of my dreams."

I was at a loss for words though I just opted to hug her. How could someone love me after all I had done? 

I didn't have time to feel horrible because suddenly her favorite song started playing over the radio.

Pulling away I tried my best to smile before taking her hand, getting down on one knee slightly.

"Can I have this dance?"

She giggled behind her hand though she nodded and stood up, eyes sparkling.

"Of course. How gentlemanly." she answered, amusement in her voice as she let me lead her to the middle of the ring.


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