Chapter 39: Sparks fly.

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Yulia's POV:

I nearly fell over laughing as Lena managed to run straight into a wall on the skateboard that she was on. I wondered how the hell anyone had convinced the clutz to even attempt at skateboarding.

"Lena, I think the wall means stop."

I teased, only to get flipped off by her as she turned toward me.

"Oh screw you."

She retorted, blushing though she turned around and headed back toward the ramps and such, otherwise ignoring me.

"You would."

I retorted, following her though she smirked and turned toward me.

"In your dreams maybe. Come on, let's have a race....But first.....I need my roller skates. This board is a accident waiting to happen."

I smirked at that as she rolled past me toward her bag.

No one was at the park today since it was slightly rainy but Lena didn't seem to care, and neither did I for that matter.

"I'm still gonna cream you, you know that right?"

I retorted, causing her to burst out laughing.

"Do I wanna even know where you picked that phrase up?"

She retorted, causing me to sigh.

"Probably not."

I answered honestly before skating over to her.

"So anything different with you besides your relationship with that wall?"

I asked, earning a punch to the shoulder that actually kinda hurt.

"Zip it. No, not besides Katya getting a crush on a boy and well....I'm not as innocent as I was back then."

Lena answered, causing me to roll my eyes as I sat down beside of her.

"Meaning what? You smoke? Drink? Please tell me you don't do drugs at least."

I got my answer when Lena pulled a face.

"Drugs? Really Yulia? Hell no. I have drank though...multiple times."

I smirked at that and shook my head.

"Besides the ginger beer we snuck out on the roof that night?"

I retorted, earning a laugh.

"Yeah, how about you Yulia? Anything besides the added piercings and tattoos?"

She retorted, causing me to shrug.

"Nothing much...Except I took self defense classes because the school I went to in this fucking small town my Dad and I stayed in was worse than the one we went to."

I answered, wincing at one memory before adding

"I heard there was a bonfire down in the woods tonight....Anya invited me. Want to come along?"

Lena's eyes grew wide when she heard this and then she smirked.

"Yeah, but I warn ya....anything goes at these things."

The night was warm as we left Lena's place and went toward the forest that was located near the school we both went to now. Lena was dressed in a red tank-top with a flannel pulled over it, a pair of white shorts that came just above her knee and had her hair pulled up in a messy ponytail. Her eyes were sparkling in the moonlight, as if she would burst with excitement.

I saw her pause as she looked at me, causing me to look down at my own outfit, the short-shorts and crop top I had on seemed like a good idea on a warm night like tonight but was I wrong? I wondered, though she suddenly spoke.

"Wow Yulia, You look good."

She stated, blushing slightly as she looked down at the ground, though I just laughed.

"Thanks, so do you."

Why was it so hard to talk to her?

I wondered, As I followed her toward her car.

"So you got your license...Might have to get you to teach me since my Dad is busy and my Mom kind of gets a bit preachy."

I commented, trying to make smalltalk as we drove toward the forest.

"Sure, there's nothing to it really. I can't believe we're seventeen, it seems like just yesterday we were dodging bullies and you were staying up all night playing rpgs on a laptop."

she stated, smiling slightly at whatever was going on in that head of hers.

"Hey, at least I never stayed up doing extra credit shit I didn't even have to do."

I retorted earning a laugh.

"It feels just like old times doesn't it? The bickering...All of it. It sort of feels like you never left."

Lena commented before pulling off the highway and cutting the engine.

"Yulia, I can't pretend. I have always been in love with you....I tried to move on at first but.....Nothing compared to you. How we just clicked, we hardly fought....well seriously anyway....You were gentle and always always concerned...I just..."

She rambled on trying to find the right words though my mind was numb for I felt the same way.


I began, though she suddenly looked as though she was going to start crying or hyperventilating or both.

"I was the same way. Guy or girl it didn't matter....All I could think of was you and if plane tickets didn't cost a damn fortune I'd been back before now. I....I want us to try again....Even if...It doesn't work."

I quickly said

she seemed to go in shock for some time before she finally spoke

"Just no running this time."

She was pleading, her eyes darkening, even in the moonlight I could tell.

"No....No running. Nothing will stop me from being with you this time Lena."

As she leaned in, her lips barely brushing mine I felt as though electricity was running through me, my heart skipping slightly as I had leaned in to deepen the kiss. I had missed her, her touch, her softness. Despite the years Kissing her felt as it did back when we were younger. I felt her lips graze mine as she turned completely in the seat, capturing my lips with hers before she finally pulled away.


She began, breathless.

"Don't be."

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