chapter 40: Date

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Lena's pov:

Yulia smirked as we pulled away, eyes staring into mine as she stated

"Let's go do our own thing. I think we need to catch up if this is going to work."

She stated before grinning and adding

"Unless you don't agree."

I couldn't help but laugh at this and how cocky she looked at that point.

"Fine, but if my parents ask about it I'm going to tell them you kidnapped me."

I retorted,causing her to laugh aloud.

"Lena, pretty sure you could talk me in and out of anything. You always could so doubt they'd believe that."

I had forgotten how soft she was, even now with the almost tough girl exterior she was the same as she had been before she moved. Her eyes revealing all emotion though her face revealed nothing.

"So....where are we going?"

I asked, starting the engine.

"Remember the old dirt road behind the old mall? Go there, I'll show you something not many people know."

I wanted to make a comment about how she said that but the look on her face was sort of nervous and I couldn't help but to be curious.

"I swear this better not be something weird."

I retorted, causing her to laugh.

"It's not, don't worry."

She retorted with a grin before adding

"Just don't you dare laugh at me....My mother sure the hell did."

The place she lead me to was a small cabin, one that was surrounded by all manner of flowers.

"I wanted a Place to myself when I came back so my uncle gave me this place...I fixed it up how I wanted it."

Yulia stated, blushing a bit as she unlocked the door, fumbling around until she found the light switch, flipping it on to reveal that not only did the dim overhead light come on but also rows of christmas lights.

"Wow. This place is beautiful. I wouldn't expect this from you miss badass."

I stated, earning a look from Yulia who stuck out her tongue at me.

"just because I wear leather and have tattoos doesn't mean I am a badass."

Yulia retorted before adding

"I want to do this right....though usually I don't usually make out on the first date. We need to get to know each other....again."

The trail's of a different love(t.a.t.u fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now