Admittance and Understanding

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yulia's pov:

I had just slammed the phone down onto my dresser when it began to ring.

could it be?


it was.

much to my surprise the number that shone across the screen was none other that Lena's and without even thinking of it I flipped it open.

"Hello?" I asked, not even bothering to make it sound like I haven't been crying.

"Yulia? I need to talk to you about earlier." My ex girlfriend(and probably Ex friend) stated and I had to fight back a sob.

"Lena I am so so sorry I did that. Is there any way you could possibly forgive me?" I pleaded, not even giving her a chance to say anything.

"Yulia...take a breath." she requested, amusement in her voice and I managed to instantly stopped and she continued

"We need to talk about all of the bullshit you caused today. I forgive you for saying all of that because I understand why you did it but we need to talk."

My heart instantly lightened at that and I felt myself relax slightly and not choke back tears.

"So you'll give me another chance?" I managed to say only to hear her snort slightly and I could imagine the eye roll that accompanied it.

 "Yes. But only if you will hear me out first!" she retorted, a little bit of anger returning to her tone.

"Okay....I just don't want to lose you. I have no idea what I would do if I did." I permitted myself to say softly as the tears came again and I could hear her sigh.

"Yulia...I'm not going anywhere, calm down." she ordered lightly, her tone soothing despite how angry she had been with me earlier.

"You know you're the only one who cares two shits about me Lena! How do you expect me to calm down when I almost fucking screwed everything the fuck up!?" I snapped, hearing her exhale sharply into the phone.

"Fine....Remain upset but do not do anything stupid. I'll be over in a few minutes!" She said, obviously troubled by something.

"Okay. Lena, you do forgive me right?" I couldn't help but repeat my question from earlier; even if she had already said she had because in all honestly I thought what I had done had been unforgivable.

"Do you think I would have called you back if I hadn't?" she quipped lightly and I could imagine the slight smile on her face.

"I guess not. I'll see you soon." I responded quietly, sliding the phone closed.

I knew it wouldn't take long for her to come because we only lived a street away from each other and that wasn't that far on bicycle. 
Slowly I dried my eyes and went down to the living room to wait and sure enough about fifteen minutes later I heard a knock on the door and as soon as I opened it I saw Lena standing there, looking flushed.

 It was obvious that she had been crying due to the dull color of her redrimed eyes and the way her nose was red.

"Lena! I'm so sorry." I exsclaimed, my heart shattering once again at the thought of hurting her.

"Yulia....It's okay." she sighed, grabbing my arm gently and pulling me into a hug.

It was then that I couldn't hold back the tears anymore and with my face burried into the shoulder of her jacket I cried like I hadn't in years. I didn't even care how weak I looked or that we were still standing in the doorway. At that moment I didn't care about anything but the fact that my Lena was there with me.

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