Chapter 53: Closer to fine

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Yulia's Pov:

Lena was acting weird, almost as if she was afraid that I would break if she sneezed the wrong way or something. I wondered just what the hell had happened over the last few days since she was fine on Monday but had been weird since tuesday morning. Sometimes I caught her starring at me, as if in deep thought, though I didn't have time to worry about it since we had a gig on friday.

When we got to Ivan's I knew Lena was up to something since she went straight to Ivan and started whispering, way before she got up on stage, smiling in my direction as she announced that she wanted to do a cover song before we did anything else.

I glanced at Ivan who just shrugged, his arms crossed over his chest as he leaned against the bar, watching her.

I recognized the song almost instantly as Fly on the wall, which had always been obsessed with.

Her eyes locked on mine as she sang the part about wanting to see every inch, every scar and I instantly knew what she meant.

I felt hopeless at that point, though as she continued she made her way toward me, singing directly to me then. I could see the playful light flickering in her eyes, feel the softness of her hands as she brushed my shoulder.

When the song ended the whole place erupted into applause, though I could barely contain my emotions that threatened to consume me.

"I mean it. I don't want any secrets between us. I want to know everything, even the things that you are afraid to tell me."

She whispered, pressing a kiss onto my lips, the touch softer than I ever remembered and I felt as if there was a strength coming from her, as if something in her commanded me to trust her.

"I want us to be honest with one another."

I responded, feeling her wipe at the tears though I pulled away before forcing myself to stop crying and turning toward her.

"Come on, we can talk later."

Much later that night I was sitting on the bed, wrecking my brain to come up with a new song when Lena came in, dressed in nothing but an large t-shirt she stole from my pajama drawer. She sat beside of me on the bed, her hand moving to mine, stopping me from writing.

"Let's not worry about that now." She whispered, and I felt myself go  ridged. Was she really suggesting what I thought she was?

I couldn't help but wonder, though when I went to ask she just smiled shyly, fingers intertwining with mine.

"Too soon?"

She asked and I wanted to laugh.

Hadn't I ever told her how much I wanted to be able to do this with her?

I could only shake my head as she leaned over me then, kissing me with such fire that it stole my breath for a minute or so.

"If it is just tell me to stop."

She breathed, pressing a kiss onto my neck, sucking gently and not hard enough to bruise as she slowly worked her way lower, her hands wondering up my shirt, finding my breasts easily.

I couldn't help but moan as her mouth worked against my skin, awakening nerves that had been dulled before and lighting a fire in the pit of my stomach as she went lower, her hands working to remove my clothing completely until we were both laying there on the bed, her leaning on top of me, as naked as the day we were born.

After a few minutes of repeating those administration's her hands wondered lower, pausing at my core and her lips twisted into a smirk before she lowered herself, leaving kisses down my chest and stomach until she came to my core, where she paused.

"is this okay?"

She asked but I could only nod.

As we lay there later that night, both of us spent but unable to sleep I couldn't help but to think about how her touch seemed to do nothing more but to ooze love and compassion, nothing like my first time which seemed like eons ago. Her arm was wrapped around me as my head rested on her chest.


Her voice broke me from my thoughts.


I barely could manage to make a sound, though I knew she was tired too.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too."

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