“I missed you,” I gasped as he sucked on my nipple. My hands ran through his hair as he lowered to my lower region. He placed one kiss before pulled my underwear off and pulling his off as well.

“Still on birth control?” He looked down at me, his length hard and standing straight out. He had pure lust in his eyes as he looked at my naked body and I had the same as I looked at his. I nodded and he lowered himself over me and into me.

I gasped at the familiar feeling of Zayn’s manhood inside of me. His elbows rested on either side of my head as he kissed me with each thrust. “F.uck.” I groaned as Zayn pushed deeper into me. My fingers dug into his back and he let out a soft moan in appreciation.

“You feel so good, baby,” He moaned as he continued thrusting deeper and deeper. We both barely last five minutes and Zayn gave me three amazing orgasms, each one better than the last.  

Zayn collapsed on the bed and pulled me closer to him. His lips found mine and he kissed me as he held me. “I love you.” He whispered against my lips. But I did not say it back.

* * *

The next morning I woke up and Zayn was right next to me. His arm was wrapped around me and my head and hand were resting on his bare chest. I traced his muscles with my finger as I slowly began to wake up.

Zayn slowly opened his eyes and looked down at me. My hand reached up to his face and he pulled me closer. His lips felt mine and he started passionately kissing me. His arms wrapped tightly around me as he lazily rolled on top of me. I wrapped his arms around his neck and ran my fingers down his back gently. His hand travelled down the side of my body and stopped at my upper thigh. Goosebumps rose wherever he touched me.

“I love you,” He said softly against my lips as he kissed me.

“I can’t…” I stuttered.

“I know,” He said and put his forehead to mine. Our hot breaths mixed in front of our faces. “But I want you to know that I love you. When or if you ever feel comfortable saying it, you can say it.” He smiled and continued kissing my lips.

I was so glad that he understood. He kissed my neck softly and then rested his head on my chest as he caressed my legs. “We should probably do something productive today…” I sighed as my fingers ran through his soft hair.

“Hmm,” He sighed, “Or I could cancel work and we could spend the entire day making love…” He moaned softly.

“Nice try,” I giggled. “You have to go to work.”

He groaned, “I don’t have work Sunday. Can we do my proposed idea on Sunday?”

“We’ll see,” I smirked and kissed his lips softly. “I need to shower.” I groaned.

“I’ll make breakfast and you can shower, deal?” Zayn smiled up at me and I nodded. He kissed me passionately before climbing off of me and pulling on boxers.

I stood up and walked over to him, “Can I wear some of your clothes?” I asked from behind him. I wrapped my arms around his torso.

“I would prefer if you went naked,” He smirked, “but of course you can.” He turned around and held my face in his hands and kissed my lips sweetly. He pulled away and walked downstairs as I walked into the bathroom.

I took a quick shower and then pulled on one of Zayn’s shirts and one of his pair of boxers. I walked downstairs and Zayn was looking out the window and drinking orange juice. I walked over to the counter and sat on it with a smile on my face.

Zayn finished his juice and then stood between my legs. “What’s for breakfast?” I smiled.

“Waffles,” He pointed to a waffle maker.

“I haven’t had waffles in forever,” I sighed and smiled at him. He winked at me and then walked over to the waffle maker and saw that the waffle was ready. He grabbed a plate, put the waffle on it, and handed it to me. I poured a bunch of syrup on it and started eating it with a smile. “Zayn…” I said as he poured more batter on for his waffle.

“Yeah?” He walked over to me.

“What’s going to happen to my parents?” I asked.

Zayn sighed and then looked at me, “They are going to be arraigned today and that will decide how much the bond is. Then they have to go to court and all that stuff.”

“Do you think they’re guilty?”

“Ava…” He sighed.

“Seriously, Zayn. I hate them. Do you see the marks on my neck?” I said to him and pointed at the bruises on my neck.

He frowned at me and nodded, “They’re guilty.” He sighed and kissed my cheek.

“What’s going to happen to me? What if they both go to jail? I can’t live alone. I’m still in high school…” I said softly. I was scared. I had always had my parents as something to fall back on if I desperately needed it. But now I didn’t.

“Live with me,” Zayn whispered.

“Zayn…I can’t.”

“No, I want you to.” He said softly and then came closer to me. “Please.”

“I have to think about it, okay?” I shrugged. Zayn nodded and walked back to the waffle maker. “On your way to work can you drop me off at my house so I can get some clothes?”

“Sure,” Zayn smiled. “And then do you want me to drive you back here?”

“No, I’m going to go shopping,” I smiled as I ate my waffle.

“Ooh, what do you plan on getting?” Zayn smirked and took his waffle out of the maker.

“It’s a secret,” I winked at him.

“Hmmm,” Zayn smirked and sat down at the counter.

We both finished our food quickly and Zayn drove me to my house. Before I got out, Zayn kissed my passionately and held my face in his hands.

“I love you,” He whispered quietly before kissing my nose. I looked down and got out of the car.

I walked inside and saw that everything was cleaned up from the night before. I walked upstairs and started packing a large bag of clothes. It took me less than ten minutes and before I knew it, I was in my car.

I drove down to the mall and immediately walked into a lingerie store. The sweet smell of perfume wafted all around me as I picked out two pieces. An annoying salesperson came to me but I didn’t need her help at all. I ended up picking out a bunch of pieces. All of them looked so amazing on me and I couldn’t wait to show them to Zayn. He would die when he saw me in all of them.

Then I walked over to the food court and got myself a pretzel. A pretzel wasn’t the best thing I could eat, but I was pretty hungry. I sat down and people watched. I was glad that nobody from my school was there to taunt me. When I finished my pretzel, I quickly walked back to my car with my lingerie and drove to Zayn’s house.

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