"Yes, Mr. Allen." Ivory puts a thumbs up.

Exiting the room Allen continued on his way showing them around. Throughout each section, Aurora was catching the eyes of onlookers.

Wow...who is that girl?

She looks pretty young!

She's so beautiful!

Is she new here?

Is Mr. Allen recruiting her?

Is that an intern?

Her red dress is so cute!

Aurora felt slightly uncomfortable hearing the ongoing chatter about who she was.

"And here—" Allen makes room to allow Aurora pass him. "Is the kitchen. This is where you can get unlimited food."

Aurora's ears perked up. "F-Food?" Aurora held her stomach as it grumbled. She had completely forgotten that she didn't eat. And the thought of food awoken her hunger.

Allen grinned, seeing that he had unlocked a trait about Aurora. She surely loved eating. And she wasn't eating enough.

Jungkook noticed Aurora's dilemma, and realized his error. "I'm sorry, master, I forgot to buy you food to eat."

"It's fine...I wasn't that hungry."

"Oh, but it seems as though, you are." Allen argues. "Why don't you enjoy some of the refreshments provided?"

Aurora glanced at Allen in shock. "What? But...I don't even work here...I shouldn't intrude like that."

"Please, I insist." Allen urges. "There are snacks on the counter, food that you can warm up in the fridge, plenty of fruits, hot chocolate candies—anything to keep you happy." Allen adds. "Jungkook, please help your master around with the utensils."

Jungkook followed Aurora to the fridge. She opens it, looking in awe at all the colorful treats she could enjoy. Closing the fridge and hurrying to the cabinets, she peaks inside. "A-Are this Rice Krispies?!" She gasped.

Aurora haven't eaten Rice Krispies ever since she was punished by Mother Nan for not hailing a thousand Mary's during their time of ceremony at age thirteen. To see those marshmallow snacks before her after all these years brought so much nostalgia. Taking one carefully, Aurora held it in the palm of her hands. She looked at Jungkook with a faint smile on her face. A tear slowly trickled down her cheek.

"W-What's wrong?!" Jungkook asked worriedly.

"...Mother Nan punished me because I wouldn't partake in a religious ceremony." Aurora wipes the tear swiftly. "I hated participating because for some odd reason, my luck was just little to none. All the other kids would pray before the statue a Mary, and they got whatever the wished for. But when it came to me..." Aurora's words trailed off. "...all I asked for was for me to find my real parents and to find out who I was—and where I came from. It never came true." Holding the Rice Krispies in front of her and Jungkook, she adds, "Eventually, I stopped praying before the Mother Mary because I realized it was all a lie. Mother Nan was using the charity money donated to the orphanage to buy what the children asked for. But for some reason, I was never included in the mix. I was always excluded from special occasions and events. As a way to vent and comfort myself, I would always steal the supply of Rice Krispies Mother Nan left in the pantry and take them to my room to eat by myself. Of course, she found out that I was the one stealing them, but never said a word. Eventually, she got tired of my rebellious behavior and thievery and decided to punish me by forcing me to eat as many of these as possible, sitting on my knees, for hours. It was torture..."

Jungkook's eyes glistened. He felt pain for Aurora. "I am so sorry..."

Aurora scrunched up her face, squeezing the treat. "...I've hated eating these for years now. But I haven't ate one in years, either," Her face softens up. "...I guess it wouldn't hurt to eat one again."

"You don't have to, if it brings up bad memories, Master."

"You're right about that," Aurora smiles. "But at least I don't have to deal with her or those annoying bastards anymore. I should be able to enjoy eating these in peace."

Jungkook watched as the girl slowly opens the wrapper and takes a whiff of its scent. "It still smells the same, too."

Taking a bite, Aurora felt the swirls of its sweetness and balanced crunch come together. It was so amazing, she wanted to cry. Wiping her eyes, Aurora shook her head. "...I can't believe she did that to me."

Feeling sympathy for the girl, the AI embraced her, giving her a warm hug. Aurora closed her eyes, wrapping her arms around him. "I'm so sorry that you had to go through all that..." Jungkook repeats. "I'm so happy I found you."

Aurora's eyes lit up, then lowered gently. "...I'm the one who found you," Aurora encloses her face into his chest. "...idiot."

Jungkook chuckled softly. "I know."

Feeling much better from Jungkook's genuine love, Aurora pushed away gently. "It's in the past anyways. I shouldn't be so hung up on such negative memories. She can't get to me anymore, nor tell me what to do anymore...so I should just leave it be."

Jungkook nods in agreement. "Let's get you some food, too." The AI goes back into the fridge and takes out some fruits and vegetables, creating a wonderful mix for the girl to enjoy.

"Wow, thank you, Jungkook."

"You're welcome."

Allen soon comes back, eyeing his wristwatch. "Ah, have you gotten a chance to eat yet?"

Thankfully, Aurora had just finished eating. "Yes! Jungkook prepared me a meal!"

Looking at Jungkook, Allen smiles. Jungkook looked away sheepishly. "Well done, Mr. Kook," Turning to Aurora, Allen continues. "Shall I give you the rest of the tour?"

"O-Oh! Sure!" Aurora quickly headed over to Allen. Jungkook washed Aurora's dishes, returning them back to the cupboards. He then followed suite behind Aurora.

After giving Aurora a the concluding tour of his facility, Allen took the young duo back to his office and stood by his door. "Did you like anything that you observed during the tour around?"

"Uh...well," Aurora rubbed her arm. "Everyone seems pretty friendly. I've never really experienced that kind of treatment from others."

"Ms. Aurora, I am glad that my models have left a good impression in the back of your mind." Giving Jungkook a certain grin, Allen opened his door. Jungkook eyed Allen as he went inside, following behind Aurora. Once the door was shut, Allen sat back at his desk. "As I've said earlier, I would genuinely love to have you as a part of the team. This would greatly benefit you and I, and of course, your companion—" Allen points to Jungkook. "Please, do not hesitate to give me a response."

"Uh..." Aurora was still not too sure of how to respond. The job seemed to be really flashy and impossible for an odd and tedious girl like her to accomplish.

"If you need a day or so to think, please get back to me as soon as possible." Allen invites the girl to step in front of her desk, handing her his card. "Call me whenever you'd like to come back for a visit."

"Oh, yes...definitely." Aurora nods shyly, accepting his card.

"If you'd like to stay for the remainder of the day to watch your AI work, then that's fine also. As I've said, feel at home. Mi casa es tu casa." Allen smiles.

Aurora smiled back, nodding. Turning on her heal, she faced Jungkook, seeing a somber look on his cute little face.

Jungkook... Aurora took him by his hand, and left Allen's office.

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