Jennie watched how Lisa interact to their son, she's indeed good when it comes to babies. Reign keeps on giggling so Jennie let them have an alone time together, she tied up her hair into messy bun and changed her clothes into an oversized sweater. Once they're done preparing themselves, they walked out of their room and made their way towards the restaurant.


Wendy's P. O. V.

So apparently, We are here in a korean grill. All of my friends except Lisa since she's nowhere to be found. Jisoo requested this and since we are all free, we grant her wish. We don't like loud noises so we choose this place instead.

"This beef is so good" Jin said in satisfaction.

"This is perfect, right? God I miss this" Taehyung added and drink his soju.

I gazed on Seulgi and she's smiling on her phone "Stop smiling, you look stupid" I said and take a bite of the meat.

She rolled her eyes and put down her phone "So.. Why did you ask for this Jisoo? We were surprised that it's your treat" She laugh and put the pork on the grill.

My eyes roam around and yes, there are a lot of people eating here. A lot of them came from work and some of them are group of teenagers. I took my soju and pour it on a glass to drink.

"Gonna celebrate for my remaining days" Jisoo said and stab the pork by her fork.

We all looked at her and laugh.

"Why? Are you going to die?" I asked which made them laugh.

She shook her head and rolled her eyes "I'm leaving the country" She uttered.

Our eyes widened in shock, What? She'll leave the country? For what?! Her life is stable here with Chaeyoung so why would she?

"Why? Something's wrong?" Yoongi asked and put the meat on Jin's plate.

"You and.. Chaeyoung?" Seulgi asked "Don't leave Jisoo, we will be incomplete for good"

"It's so sad that we are all breaking apart" I added, we stop from eating and just look at Jisoo who's somewhat lost "You have a problem with Chaeyoung?"

"No" She replied quickly and took a shot "I'll be leaving for two years and will probably continue my residency in London"

"Wooow" We all went amazed and clap our hands.

As far as I know, if a hospital send uts doctor abroad while s/he's taking residency or in training then that person is seriously great and need to enhance more for the future purposes that's why we are very surprise on her news.

"So when is your flight?" Jin asked.

"I will miss the heck out of you Jisoo Kim" Taehyung whine and reached Jisoo to tap her "You nailed everyone in the hospital"

"It was supposed to be after this week but I'm still waiting for Lisa"

We all went quiet as what she has mentioned. Well not me but the boys.

"Mr. Manoban offered us this opportunity. Only the two of us that had been recognized by the European company. We live there for two years and the remaining year will be here but I'm still waiting for Lisa and her Dad's decision because of her wedding" Jisoo explained "Everything was settled even the tickets"

"That's.. That's sad to hear" Seulgi stammered and put the leaf inside her mouth, she don't mind what is the issue and continue eating.

"Lisa and I talked" She started, I gazed on Jin and Taehyung and they're just listening but not looking at Jisoo "We talked about what happened, I admitted my mistake and said my sorry"

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