Chapter 66: The predator and the prophecy

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Everyone looked at Alcatraz's body and he looks at them.

Alcatraz: Y'all didn't try to bury me?

Sid: We had a lot to think about.

Alcatraz: y'all thought Lincoln was bad luck.

Lola: Whatever. Lincoln lift up his body.

Lincoln lifts it up and Alcatraz walked into it. Once Alcatraz got inside his body his eyes open and he stood up groaning and rubbed his back.

Alcatraz: So what else are we going to do here?

Luan: Just see what Lisa and Patrick have planned and well. Stop it.

Alcatraz: Right. Well, let's just go search for the rest of this place...Lincoln and Ronnie Anne y'all could just stay outside.

Lincoln: Why.

Alcatraz: I'm sure we went through enough and I'm sure Ronnie Anne would be the only one who would want to be beside you.

They walked inside and Ronnie Anne looked at Lincoln.

Ronnie Anne: Sorry about them blaming you once again for those things Lincoln.

Lincoln: It's alright. I just ignored it like the other problems I had before I had enough and well ran off.

Ronnie Anne:...What?

Lincoln: Huh?

Ronnie Anne: Do we need to talk?

Lincoln: No...not at all.

Ronnie Anne: You sure because-

Alcatraz: Hey guys! Look what we found!

They turn around and they saw Lola and Lana walk out holding a predator arm down to its side and it kept roaring and tried to break free.

Alcatraz: Before y'all kill it. This one isn't bad blood but we don't really trust him. Granted I don't trust him to run around free since he said he came here for a prophecy which well. Um. Got picked up by someone else.

Ronnie Anne: What do you mean- wait you can understand him?

Alcatraz did a so so gesture

Alcatraz: My Yautja is a bit rusty but luckily Sis knows.

Sid: (in Yautja) Tell me why you are here again.

The predator: I'm here for a Prophecy I heard about while in space. I came here to find the object.

Alcatraz: You do know he could understand English right.

Sid rolled her eyes.

Sid: He said that he's here for a prophecy. Apparently, he came here to find an object. (she looks at the predator and spoke in his language again) What is the object?

The predator: A key. I need it to open something. That holds a better relic.

Sid: He said that he's looking for a key. I don't know what key but a key.

Alcatraz: What does the key look like?

The predator: it looks like a sword. Its handle is black, the blade is orange and it got half a black cover on top of the blade.

Sid raises an eyebrow and looks at Lincoln.

Sid: Lincoln take out your sword.

He takes out his sword and the predator roars before punching him in the face and before he could continue to beat him down Alcatraz and Lori stopped him and kept making noises.

Sid: He says that now Lincoln has taken the sword the prophecy is underway. This place is the beacon for what'll happen. It's the final chapter and the final pieces are coming together.

Alcatraz: What? What does he mean?

Sid listens and turns to them.

Sid: The liquid nano metal cyborg demon is approaching with her armor of murders. The black demons are creeping out of the cracks every dark corner of the temple. The knights just defend the temple while the warriors search for the other piece of the relic. Defeat the cyborg demon and her army. Slay the Queen. Leave the temple, fight the same enemy from each timeline and finally. Destroy the final beast. That's it that's all he knows about the prophecy but now it's Lincoln's job to be the lead warrior since he has the key. Lincoln needs to follow the predator.

Luan: So what? Did he know about this place?

Sid: Yea. He said he was supposed to fight a mad scientist and a conflicted strong oof. But they're both gone. He said he fought the mad scientist or well knocked her out so he could kill her with the key but he couldn't do that. Now this temple will be invaded.

Alcatraz rubbed his chin.

Alcatraz: Lisa is a mad scientist. Patrick must be the oof.

Ronnie Anne: The cyborg has to be Rev 9.

Alcatraz: Okay. So let's get this prophecy over with. Anything else we should know.

Sid: No. that's it.

Alcatraz: Okay. So who'll go with Lincoln?

Ronnie Anne: I'll go.

Sid: And I'm the translator some going is important aswell.

Luan: I'll go. Quest usually have some other prizes or reward at the end.

Lori: So just going for a reward?

Luan: Yea. Not everyone got anything simple to do after the collapse of the project. Some people just got to get by in life with taking up jobs to do that won't require a background check.

Alcatraz: Whatever. Y'all get going now. The rest of us could stay behind and watch after them temple.

Lola: How can we be sure this quest is real? What if it's just a lie. Nothing his coming out of the-

They then heard a xenomorph roar and when they turn they saw one on top of one of the stairs and more started to come from the open doors.

Alcatraz: Yep. It's real.

Lola: (annoyed) great.

Lincoln sighs

Lincoln: have your friend lead the way, Sid.

She nodded and they took their leave.

French narrator: Meanwhile

Director: I don't give a damn! Your playing cat and mouse and is giving them a fighting chance! I want you to stop them now! Forget the order of just killing Lincoln! Kill anyone who's in the way of the alpha and bring him back!

Rev 9: Sir with all-

Director: You're the best hunter! The best project and experiment that I made which one kill friendly if I wake them up! Get them! This mission shouldn't be so long! They had time to sit around and talk from what I'm hearing! Get this over with!

The call ended and Rev 9 turns towards Lisa and Patrick.

Rev 9: you two find Lincoln. I'm going to get the alpha. Lisa, how are those terminators doing?

Lisa: They would all be linked to your control. Why do you ask?

Rev 9: I'm taking half of them to go fight the Alpha and whoever is with him.

She walked away and Lisa looked at Patrick and she nodded.

Lisa: Come on. Let's go. We've got some work to do.

(Hey everyone. Hoped you liked this short chapter which will transition us to the final chapters left for this book. I can't wait until it's the end because I got a perfect ending which will tie into the remastered version. The next chapter might be up today. Depending on all I right or if ideas shift. This chapter was just meant to give a basic understanding of what's going to happen in the next chapters.

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