Chapter 35. War comes to Michigan/Assault against the ship

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As the loud walk into their house and head to the secret section in it Alcatraz walk towards where the door was and he opens it. Jax and the others walk in along with four marines and that's when Alcatraz walk in closing the door while four more marines outside made sure no one sees them walk in.

Jax pulls up a hologram of the ship which was firing its laser again and Luna look at the areas that were being shot at and she shakes her head.

Luna: Why are they doing this?

Jax: A message. Humans aren't safe is what I suppose. After the attack of two does their bases they decided to retaliate. This isn't a war. Or a full-scale invasion.

Sam: it's just a battle. A message matter what we do....they can do it better.

Jax: yes and no. That ship isn't mass produce. It's just that one. But. I have a few ways to stop it.

Inside the ship, Lincoln and Patrick were being escorted to someplace and that's when Lincoln looks at one of the T-600 and he looks over to Patrick and he nods.

Lincoln turns and fires his cinder blasts rapidly at them while Patrick Duck. Lincoln spins in a circle taking them out and that's when they pick up the plasma weaponry they had. More T-600 came shooting at them while they were Wires flies out from the wall to them and they both shot were they came from.

Lincoln: Delta. Can you shut down the wire function? Or at least try to stop Lisa from using this ship against us.

Delta: on it. But this may take awhile. She's controlling everything. Do you want me to take away the auto defenses

Lincoln: Yes!

Delta did and as Lincoln and Patrick turn to shoot at the T-600 they all stop and one drops his weapon walking and he spoke with Lisa's voice.

T-600 Lisa: fighting this is futile.

Lincoln shot it in the head killing it and realizing that plasma does way much more damage. But another one stepped forward.

T-600 Lisa: it'll be a matter of time before I get the auto defenses back up

Patrick: they fell? And they can't get back up?

Lisa growls in annoyance of Patrick question and that's when Lincoln saw the T-600 head twitch and spark.

Lincoln: guess you broke that one(Lincoln shoots it in the head destroying it)

T-600 Lisa: I suggest you all surrender or be terminated.

Lincoln and Patrick look at each other and they rapidly shot at all the T-600 in front of them but that's when more of them show up in front and behind them. Before they did anything they felt the ship shake.

Outside the ship fingers and stealth bombers were able to it the ship while the shield wasn't activated.

Pilot 1: Sir. We got a clean hit. Seems like when the weapon is firing the shields are down.

Lisa: great. Try to make shielding that works no matter what. But even that's something Skynet wouldn't give me. Open fire on the fighters (but that's when Alcatraz flies pass the fighter jets firing at the side of the ships head. As the plasma bolts start to burn and weaken the metal they crash through it flying into a room. T-600 turns to fire at them but the plasma rounds destroy them with ease and then the ship turns to some part of the ship two plasma torpedoes were fired into it.)

The ships shake as the weapons start to turn off and the ship shields flicker.

Lisa: Send all of our flyers closer to the ship. Also. Give me Dark Ronin

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